Truett goes to school

The first graduation, kind of a big deal

My little man Truett graduated from playgroup last week, with a killer performance and everything. I watched him get jiggy on the stage and it was like he boogeyed the remaining shreds of his babyness right off.

And my heart almost burst.


A year ago, he put on his uniform for the first time and stood at the school gate looking apprehensive. He held my hand tightly with his little one, refusing to let go even though momma said “Bye sweetie, I love you” for the 27th time.

Not this time. This time, he took my hand and walked me into his class to show me all the art pieces he’s done.

When it was time for his performance, he gave me a wave, got up on that stage with his newfound friends and started grooving to the beat, looking all confident and debonair.

Next year, it’ll be a new school and a new chapter. But for now, I’ll play that video on repeat for another couple of days while I try to hang on to my 2-and-a-half-year-old boy for just a little while longer.

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  • Reply andy December 14, 2010 at 11:43 pm

    both you and Kelvin must be very Proud when Tru wriggles away :)
    (I love the fireplace)
    andy´s last post ..iBand – Feliz Navidad

    • Reply Daphne December 16, 2010 at 10:35 pm

      totally! it was actually very impressive to see all the hard work the teachers and kids put into making all the art pieces. I think it took them a few months to do it.

  • Reply San December 15, 2010 at 10:17 am

    He’s all grown up! Love the jiggling dance!
    San´s last post ..Jay and his little brother

    • Reply Daphne December 16, 2010 at 10:37 pm

      Yes the jiggling!! I can’t stop watching the jiggling. He certainly didn’t get those nifty moves from me though…

  • Reply Grace December 15, 2010 at 11:25 pm

    Hello! The guy in the second last picture looks really familar. Pastor Mark?
    Haha which playgroup is this?
    Grace´s last post ..Say Cheese!

    • Reply Daphne December 16, 2010 at 10:38 pm

      Very sharp! It is Pastor Mark from Emmanuel Assemblies of God. Tru was at Emmanuel Playgroup, which is sadly not opening again next year.

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