Product Reviews

All Jamu-ed Up

My first experience with Jamu after giving birth to my boy last year was quite an ordeal. There was this tiny lady with giant muscles who attacked my back with tremendous gusto and then proceeded to slather globs of hot green goo on my body. After 5 sessions, I decided to call it quits, vowing never to try it again. I also didn’t seem to lose any of the weight I gained from pregnancy. Total bummer.

Naturally, when I was offered the chance to try a complimentary Jamu massage by Origins Jamu, I thought long and hard about subjecting myself to the torture all over again. Besides, this second pregnancy has not been kind to me, leaving my 30kg heavier and my back all tied up in knots. I was exhausted and in pain most of the time.

Before I decided to go for it, I did my homework and checked out the Origins Jamu Massage website. It didn’t seem as brutal and I also heard a lot of good stuff about the benefits of hot stone compress, like alleviating backaches and aiding lactation. I badly needed both.

To be honest, I was a little nervous when the therapist arrived, and I prepared myself mentally for some serious pain. I also took a not so casual glance at her muscles, just to make sure they weren’t oversized. She came prepared with an array of lotions and the hot stones, which she proceeded to heat up over the stove. It was all so awesomely primitive that my curiosity got the better of my nerves.

As it turns out, the massage was a lot more enjoyable than I expected. There was none of that karate chopping and plenty of nice, relaxing massage. In fact, it was so good I almost dozed off a couple of times, which is a pretty mean feat considering my recent bouts of insomnia. I particularly liked the hot stone compress, which instantly cleared my engorged breasts and caused them to spontaneously leak milk like it was raining. For a breastfeeding mom where milk is a scarcity, leaky breasts are a welcome sight.

I still can’t say if it’s any good in the weight loss department because it’s too early to tell, but I certainly stepped out feeling better about myself. Now if it will just shave off that remaining 15kg I’m still lugging around, that would be perfect. I hear my old sized 27 jeans calling out to me.

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