precious moments

Something from the around-here-lately department

One of the things I had in mind to do this year was to go to bed early. Earlier. And by earlier, I mean before the clock strikes midnight and Cinderella turns back into well, still Cinderella, but the version with the rags instead of the glittery dress.

Not that I look any different before and after the strike of midnight (hello, PJs) – it just seems like a respectable time to go to bed for a 31-year-old. But then the hours between 10pm and midnight is the only time I get to sit down with a cup of Milo to wrap up some work, write a little, (re)watch an episode of Breaking Bad (I can’t believe I just discovered the show! I’m up to season 5 and it’s shot right up to my list of top 3 favorite dramas of all time), and before I know it, it’s 2.45 in the middle of the night.

Thankfully, the new helper has been really good with Finn, so when he wakes up at 6.30, I give him a morning kiss (or a few), then shuffle out like a zombie to hand him over to Aunty Nan (the helper), before collapsing back into bed for a couple more hours.

And the best part of my morning routine these days?

I usually wake up to monster hugs by a pair of tiny little hands. Truett’s hands, to be precise. He’s in a phase where he has to smother me with hugs and kisses before he leaves for school in the morning with daddy so he sneaks up on my bed and tries to snuggle me to death. Once I’m awake, he’ll kiss me all over my face and say “ok bye mom, gotta go to school now!”

Even though I’m admittedly not a fan of mornings in general, it’s absolutely the best way to wake up.

It’s crazy. I often think about how awesome it it so be a mom but what’s more awesome? Being this kid’s mom. It’s awfully biased of me but I feel that way about all my kids.

For the record, morning-snuggles phase is welcome to stay as long as it likes.

Me and my boy

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  • Reply Ai Sakura July 11, 2013 at 10:56 am

    aww sweet. My girl is NOT a morning person like me so most of the time, she’s a real grouch when we have to get her out of bed for school. But those days when she gets to wake up by herself she’s all happy and smiley.. and smothers me with kisses and a sweet “good morning mummy!”. Love those mornings :)
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Protect Precious Eyes | 3M LED6000 Polarizing Light

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2013 at 12:28 am

      Isn’t that like the best reason to get up in the morning? :)

  • Reply SengkangBabies July 12, 2013 at 10:09 am

    Life is blissful yeah !
    Daphne, you are one contented Mum :)

    cheers, Andy (SengkangBabies)
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..Are you sure this is a Library ?

    • Reply Daphne July 16, 2013 at 12:29 am

      Hahah that’s absolutely true!

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