out of the box

First day of school and Tru got himself a groupie

First shot at riding a bike

The first day of school has always been traumatic for me, mostly because I’m shy and awkward and resistant to change. I thought things would be different when it came to my kids but it is still as nerve-racking for me. My son, he’s chillin’ like ice cream filling but momma, not so much.

I was actually real excited about having 3 whole hours to spend alone with baby girl since she hasn’t had me all to herself in like… ever. I had my week all planned out. On Mondays we’ll go to the library, Tuesdays and Thursdays to the park, Wednesdays to Starbucks and on Fridays we will go visit friends for playdates.

Yesterday for the first time, I neatly labelled and packed Tru’s bag, made him a sandwich and dropped him off to school like a big boy. Just like we expected, Tru hit the ground running and fell right into formation like a trooper. On the first day, he played in the sandbox, tried riding a tricycle and made a new friend (and by friend I mean groupie). Something tells me that he’s going to have a lot of fun in school.

So all is good, except that I really miss him. It’s a breather for me and baby girl seems thrilled but it’s so different without him around. The 3 hours of freedom I got, I spend missing my little man.

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  • Reply strawberrymilkmama January 6, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    no tears?! amazing.

    • Reply Daphne January 6, 2010 at 3:43 pm

      @strawberrymilkmama, Yes there were! He started bawling after the sand play session was over and he had to go back into the classroom. But nothing a little snack couldn’t solve. Apparently the teachers say he EATS A LOT.

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