
If yesterday was a lesson, it’d be: enjoy the journey

One of the perks of stay-home mothering is room for spontaneity, a quality often sacrificed in exchange for scheduled routines and regularity.

Yesterday though, was one of those days I decided to play the spontaneity card and be all “ok forget routine, let’s go do something fun just because we can.” Right after they got up from their naps, I told the kids we were going on a field trip to the airport. By bus. Just with mommy.

A year ago, I would have considered something like this to be a suicide mission and not to mention, a physical impossibility. I would have needed to carry 2 kids, a stroller and a diaper bag UP A BUS AND TRAIN. Now I’m not a public transport snob (even though I haven’t been on a bus for 2 years), but the thought of hauling 2 kids and half a mobile home up a bus seems ridiculous. I would have been the mother who dropped a kid while struggling to tap my EZ-link card with my teeth as the rest of the passengers gasped in horror.

Before we left the house, I gave them a pep talk to lay down some ground rules.

1. They were to carry their own bags so I could saunter freely along.

2. They were to hold my hands at all times.

3. No whining or tantrums or meltdowns.

Any violations would result in immediate termination and we would turn right back around, hop into a cab and head straight home (that was my back up plan for when something goes awry).

Long story short, it was a hugely successful field trip, one that will be remembered for all time as THE MOST AWESOME FIELD TRIP ALONE WITH MOMMY. They were on their best behavior the whole time, waiting patiently for the bus, sitting absolutely still on the train and following every instruction I gave (at one point, I made them do the Hot Potato dance just for my own entertainment). The journey to the airport took me an hour and a half and we enjoyed every moment of it.

So then that made me realize that I was guilty of being so destination-driven all the time. We talk about “enjoying the ride” like the overused catchphrase that it is without actually meaning it because the journey is so like meh, totally boring.

But for the kids, the journey was as much a highlight as the destination. Being on the bus and train was as enjoyable as being at the airport. So instead of stoning out and wishing the travelling wasn’t such a pain, I should just stop and enjoy the crap out of the journey.

Looking back at our recent Florida trip, some of the best moments we had was during the journey – waiting for the bus to arrive or being on the tram talking for hours. Sure, the destination was all kinds of fun but those long talks and bonding sessions, we had them on the go.

In short, remember to enjoy the journey, won’t you?

PS. I wanted to take some pictures but being alone on an adventure with both kids, I kind of had my hands full. You’ll just have to use your imagination.

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  • Reply Cecilia April 8, 2011 at 5:26 pm


    Great to hear that u and the kids had fun!
    I use the public transport alot wit my two kiddos. cause i am plain lazy to learn driving and i think i will be a very bad (aka lousy) driver.

    As they grow older, there are alot more things we dare to try =)

    • Reply Daphne April 9, 2011 at 9:07 am

      Cecilia, you’re right about daring to try more things as the kids grow older. It’s so much easier when they can understand and follow instructions. And so much more fun too.

  • Reply Corsage @ A Dollop Of Me April 8, 2011 at 11:13 pm

    Thanks for the reminder about enjoying the journey! One of those things we KNOW we should do but often don’t. My dad recently took Bubbles for a one-train-stop ride and it was the most awesome thing to her!
    Corsage @ A Dollop Of Me´s last post ..Skinny Pizza at Barracks

    • Reply Daphne April 9, 2011 at 9:09 am

      yeah what’s up with kids and trains? My kids can sit on the skytrain 10 times in a row and each time it stops they will ask for “one more time please mommy”.

  • Reply Pearlyn April 9, 2011 at 12:36 am

    Hey we too, took the bus to catch Rio at Downtown East for the first time today! The journey was far too short to enjoy but to see L&P all excited and thrilled getting on and off the bus – priceless. A pleasant experience indeed. Next on the list is to take the MRT to Suntec perhaps!

    • Reply Daphne April 9, 2011 at 9:12 am

      serious?? How’s Rio? I’m thinking of bringing the kids for a movie too but not sure if kirsten can sit through the whole movie. Hey we can do a train outing to suntec together while Kel and Jiaqi drive down so we don’t have to take a train back..

  • Reply sengkangbabies April 10, 2011 at 12:45 am

    hi Daphne, grab Kelvin, bundle your kids onto a double-decker, must be Front row. I bet Tru will not want to disembark later haha! Just go the bus stop, and take the first double-decker which comes along (sing wheels-on-the-bus).
    Happy journey.
    sengkangbabies´s last post ..Batam Itinerary Day 3

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