how i pretend to be a cool mum

Not everyday is Mothers’ Day. Just today.

It’s Mothers’ Day today and I should be writing a heartfelt post about how motherhood is the best thing that’s ever happened to me and all that sacrifice is worth it, but I already do that all the time so you can just scroll down to the rest of the posts.

For a change, we’re going to do it a little different. Today, we sit back and drink it all in.

First, a shout out to all the mothers. Alright, even if you’re not a mother yet but hope to be one someday. What the heck, as long as you have those lady bits, you’re in too because one day, you might be holding one of those screaming babies in your arms and you’ll be all like, “it’s ok baby, you don’t need to thank me, I already know I’m a superstar”.

Here’s HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY! You’re all rock stars so go on, pop some champagne and celebrate because you deserve it. Really, you do.

I’ve heard people say that Mothers’ Day is not a big deal because everyday is Mothers’ Day. That sounds awesome in theory but in reality, it’s just ridiculous. Everyday can’t be Mothers’ Day because if it were, there would never be a Mothers’ Day. It’s like how saying everybody is special is redundant because it actually means that nobody is. That’s why everybody *wants* to be special because special is special.

Today, we get to soak in all the adoration and gratitude we’ve accumulated throughout the year. Have breakfast in bed, take bubble baths in goat’s milk, go for manicures, smell the roses, read the cards, open the presents. Anything that happens only once a year should be celebrated with pomp and circumstance.

While we’re at it, you know all those Hallmark cards about how you’re the best mom in the world? It’s all true. I know we don’t always feel like we’re acing this motherhood gig and it’s far easier to feel lousy and inadequate about the job we’re doing. There’s always something else to feel guilty over, like we’re never doing enough. The other moms around us always seem to be doing a better job than we are.

When I first gave birth to Tru and feeling all nervy about being a mom, a good friend gave me one of the best parenting advice I’ve ever heard. It goes like this: Of all the parents in the world, God chose us for our kids because He knew that we would rock at it. That means you are the best mom for your kid even though you don’t feel like it all the time.

Me, I’m a great boo-boo kisser (my kids seem to have a lot of those), an awesome bedtime storyteller, a kickass chauffeur, and I also do some killer Mickey Mouse impersonations. That’s perfect for my kids.

You see, tomorrow we’ll wake up and the party will be over. It’s back to the grind again, except with a massive hangover and severe Monday blues because after a high, it usually only goes downhill. The kids will throw their hissy fits and you’ll once again redefine what it means to be frazzled. But when it gets really bad, remember that even with all our imperfections, to our kids, we’re still superstars.

And as far as being a supermom goes, that’s probably all that matters.

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  • Reply San May 10, 2010 at 1:12 am

    Happpppie Mother’s Day to ya too! Have a rockin’ 364 days till the next breakfast-in-bed and bubble-bath! ;)
    .-= San´s last blog ..A Morning at WowART Studios =-.

  • Reply Daphne May 10, 2010 at 2:19 pm

    Thanks San, mothers rule the world!

  • Reply Yen May 10, 2010 at 5:56 pm

    Thanks for dropping by!!! :) and Happy Mothers’ Day too. I am so enjoying your posts here, so please keep writing :)
    I am fine generally, surviving the daily grinds and fighting fires daily too. J just started Childcare last week, so the daily start hasn’t been a pleasant experience. But, it will soon get better and I will jump in for an opportunity to be out for a nice date with the husband! :)
    By the way, your little girl is soooooo cute.

    • Reply Daphne May 11, 2010 at 9:58 am

      @Yen, yes it’ll get better. Just went for Ironman 2 last night and it was our first proper, kid-less date in weeks!

  • Reply Rachel May 13, 2010 at 11:15 pm

    and wow is that u in the last pic ?!
    gorgeous !

    • Reply Daphne May 13, 2010 at 11:20 pm

      @Rachel, I need to let everyone know here that it was the husband’s idea to do that, he insisted and basically hijacked my blog to put up that pic.

      Unfortunately though – yes, the person in the pic is me.

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