from around here

Home for the moment

Anyone else still recovering from a long weekend hangover? It was so nice to have 4 days(??!!) off right smack in the middle of moving week.

//And hey, happy 50th, Singapore. Thanks for being our home.

So the past week was spent moving and my, what a crazy week that was. First, there was unspeakable mayhem, and then a hurricane on top of the mayhem, and I think a few smoke bombs went off in there somewhere, some furniture got lost and finally it was all over. We’re done. Moving week 2015 has officially come to an end, thank you and goodnight.

Now to settle in and get cosy before it’s time to do this all over again in 2016.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

My sweet, sentimental Finn is feeling a little homesick. “We need to go home now,” he announces, when it’s time for bed.

“We’re home, Finn. This is going to be our home for a while.”

“No, we need to go into the car and drive, drive, drive back to mommy’s home.”

“We can’t, baby. That home is going to belong to someone else, but you’ll get used to it here in a few days, you’ll see.”

He looked horrified and tears started filling up his sad little baby eyes. “We cannot go back to mommy’s home anymore? But that’s mommy and Finn Finn’s home.”

This baby of mine doesn’t like change, and it’s hard for him to say goodbye to the only home he’s known all his life. I hugged him and put him in our bed, the one thing we brought that’s still familiar to him. :(


Meanwhile, on the other end of things, I brought Tru with my back to the old place to pick up mail after school today and he was equally horrified upon seeing me turn into the carpark.

“Why are we coming back to this house?” he asked, looking confused.

Sensing that it was an opportunity to mess with him, which is getting rarer these days, now that he’s less gullible, I said, “umm, change of plans, we’ve got to come back to this home.”

He tried to mask the disappointment that was all over his face, before saying tentatively, “you’re kidding right? Is this for real?”

“Okay, busted. I’m totally kidding. I’m just here to pick up some mail.”

“Phew, for a moment, I really panicked man.”

No difficulties dealing with change, this one.

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