
Who needs a bubble machine? Not this guy.

Ever since baby Finn’s introduction to bubbles, he’s been way into bubbles. Like way, way deep into bubble mania. “BUBBAA”, he’ll point to the bubble blower and yell.

“We can’t have bubbles everyday, sweetheart,” I’ll try to explain and he looks at me with indignation like “WHY NOT, MOMMA? WHY NO BUBBLES?” because in his world, bubbles are fun and there should be bubbles every single day.

Finally, he gave up and decided to improvise by making his own bubbles instead. With his mouth. Which would be so gross if it wasn’t so cute and enterprising. He makes some pretty huge bubbles for such a tiny baby and then he thinks it’s the most hilarious thing in the world. Ok, it is pretty darn hilarious.

Video quality isn’t sharp and that is some crazy hair going on but here, here’s a peek.

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  • Reply Yvonne January 10, 2014 at 3:33 pm

    He is a genius!!! Mummy doesn’t give bubbles I shall make bubbles!

    • Reply Daphne January 15, 2014 at 12:19 pm

      LOL! And they’re pretty massive bubbles too! I tried and I couldn’t make bubbles as big as his was.

  • Reply Jiarong January 15, 2014 at 11:46 pm

    That is very cute! And very clever! Listen to the sound he makes as he generates the bubbles.. Haha

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