Disney Magic

The pint-sized pirates of Neverland

One of our favorite activities is to play dress up. Ok, it’s one of my favorite activities because it’s low on mess and high on cuteness. All I need to do is dress them up and leave the rest to their imagination – which they have a lot of.

Recently, their theme of choice has been pirates. And not just any pirate, it’s got to be Jake and the Neverland Pirates. It’s easy enough for me because all I need are 2 bandanas and 2 rubber bands for Kirsten’s ponytails. I tried adding eye patches for a more dramatic effect but they duly informed me that “Jake does not wear a patch, momma. Only bad pirates wear patches.”

I told them that there’s no such thing as a good pirate because pirates by definition are supposed to pillage and plunder and then they got upset, like “NO! JAKE IS A GOOD PIRATE HE HELPS PEOPLE!!” so I gave it a rest. I obviously need to watch more tv to keep up.

Meet Jake and Izzy.

Tru’s hair could do with a little wax and I’ve been looking for a wooden pirate sword to complete the look but believe it or not, it’s surprisingly hard to find. So in the meantime, I’m going to attempt to make one out of paper.

Incidentally, I found out during a Disney lunch thing last week that there’s a Disney Junior minisite called For Grown Ups with lots of Disney themed resources for parents. For party ideas, there are ready-made patterns for Jake’s sword, treasure chest and gold doubloons so you can throw a pirate party without spending a fortune on decor. Even if you’re not having a party, there are coloring pages, activity books and other cool stuff that you can print out to keep your toddler occupied. I’m not crafty enough to design my own templates so these are great.

In other news, I’ve got more Hipstamatic Happiness. It’s a day late and a panel short but otherwise, still as good.

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  • Reply Colleen Schotter December 13, 2011 at 10:18 pm


    I bought my kids swords from here. The swords are wood and they are flat and not heavy!

  • Reply Daphne December 13, 2011 at 10:55 pm

    Wow this looks great!! I think I might get one for myself too. :) Thanks for sharing!

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