
The welterweight weigh in

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Finn and Theo have been getting all chummy lately and it’s the cutest thing in the world, watching your babies bond over a youtube video about singing animals. And sometimes, Spot It.

Finn, who is the official reigning champ at Spot It, was patiently teaching his baby how to find matches on the cards like “see, Olaf and Olaf, match!” while baby Theo was blatantly not paying any attention at all. He was busy shoving them in his mouth to see how many he could eat at one time and Finn was all helpless, yelling “Stoppp, take them out, take them out!! Baby Theo, you cannot eat my Frozen cards, ewwwww saliva!”

I think this about sums up their entire relationship. Finn is the adoring big brother who’s trying to love on his baby but Theo is just like “that looks tasty, and that looks tasty too, and put that in my mouth…nom nom nom…”


Interestingly, these boys are 2 whole years apart but I’ve started noticing that they’re presently about the same size and weight. How did this happen??

Finn has always been small for his age – slim and compact; the svelte sort with a metabolism like an asteroid. Baby Theo, umm well, he eats the asteroid for breakfast, and then a few more planetary systems as a post-breakfast snack. During a check up a few days ago, the doctor measured his weight against the chart for babies his age and he had to draw a new line above the 99th percentile.

“This line is the 99th percentile. This (*pointing to a spot above that line) is your baby…very good job feeding him, mommy,” he added. I wasn’t sure if it was meant to be a compliment or a hasty recovery from his elaborate demonstration of how fat my baby is.

“It’s ok, I like me a fat baby,” I said. “They don’t stay that way for very long.”

So I did what any mom would do, conduct a proper weigh in (real professional like with assistants (Tru and Kirsten) and clipboards and all) to find out.

Here’s what we discovered…

Head circumference: Finn 0, Theo 1

Cheek circumference: Finn 0, Theo 1

Armpit circumference: Finn 0, Theo 1

Tummy circumference: Finn 0, Theo 1 (it’s a massacre)

Bum circumference: Finn 1, Theo 1 (strangely, exactly the same size!)

Thigh circumference: Finn 0, Theo 1

Height: Finn 1, Theo 1

Well, what do you know? Finn is almost a whole head taller but overall, baby beefcake wins.

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