
Baby it’s cold outside

I’m in Melbourne and the weather is just amazing. Well, it’s about 10 degrees out, which compared to Singapore, is way, way cold. But I love the cold and there’s something about being wrapped up all warm and toasty in freezing temperatures that makes me happy. I stepped out of the airport and just stood outside for several minutes feeling the cold wind across my face.

I’m here with the other 9 winners of the Singapore Blog Awards for 3 days to experience the best that Melbourne has to offer. We obviously couldn’t squeeze everything into 3 days so we all got to customize our itinerary according to our preferences. I’m going with a coffee tour, a ski trip up on Mount Buller and of course, lots of shopping.

The husband, kids and my mom will fly down on Sunday for another week so that gives us lots of time to explore Melbourne properly. This is the first time the kids are on holiday and they’re over the moon about it.

For the past 3 weeks since our travel plans were confirmed, we’ve been doing a daily countdown and every day, they ask the same question, “ARE WE GOING TO MELBOURNE NOW? HOW ABOUT NOW? OR NOW? I THINK WE SHOULD GO NOW!” And of course, we’re excited that they’re excited.

Speaking of the kids, I’ve gone 20 hours without seeing them and I’m in severe withdrawal. I miss my babies and it’s so weird to have 3 whole days to myself. 3 days of not having to arbitrate fights every 10 minutes. No poop cleaning. No yelling or shrieks. No incessant gummy harassment.

Like what am I supposed to do with all this time? Let my hair down and have fun? I’ve almost forgotten what that’s like, but I’m fairly certain it will all come back to me very quickly.

But then the downside is that there are also no unexpected kisses and no baby hands to hold. Total bummer.

Anyway, it’s 5.30 in the afternoon and so far, I’ve met a pirate, had a delicious rabbit stew for lunch and knocked back 5 cups of coffee. I haven’t slept in the last 30 hours and I’m high from exhaustion, caffeine overdose and jetlag. There’s a very high chance I’m going to just pass out on the way to dinner.

I’ll be blogging about the trip while we’re here so more to come soon. For now, Melbourne beckons.

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  • Reply Ai Sakura September 8, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    Aww go on and have fun! You deserve it :)
    Congrats on your win btw.. I hope you enjoy all the Melb has to offer and please, do go wild on the shopping heh

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Thankful Thursday: Multiculturalism

  • Reply pc September 8, 2011 at 6:30 pm

    I can imagine the withdrawal, but hey, you will be seeing them soon! so should enjoy the peacefulness and have some “Me” fun.

    anyway, congrats! and enjoy your trip to the fullest:)!

  • Reply Merryn September 8, 2011 at 9:49 pm

    Enjoy da three days to da max! In no time they’ll be there to join you too so have a blast yeah :D

  • Reply Kelvin Ang September 8, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    Enjoy your three days! I didn’t know that you guys can choose the itinerary!

  • Reply Susan September 9, 2011 at 1:51 am

    A well deserved win and holiday Daphne! Don’t miss the kids too much and enjoy while you can. Your days of freedom will be over before you know it. But lovely that they get to spend it with you! Planning to go to Philip island to see the penguins? Should be a hit with the kids :)
    Susan´s last post ..Birthday memories at McDonalds

  • Reply San September 9, 2011 at 8:57 am

    Before you know it, Sunday will be here and you will wonder where all those only-you days went! Enjoy yourself! Don’t envy us here with the sweltering heat. I mean, you can’t have it allll, you know.
    San´s last post ..Not quite Masterchef material

  • Reply Emily September 9, 2011 at 9:32 am

    Hi Daphne,
    Enjoy your vacation and “me-time”. I certainly know how you feel. When I went for my business trip to Taiwan this year, I was so excited. I thought I was going to have a lot of “me-time” and I’ll enjoy the freedom. But again, I was missing my son terribly, especially at night when I’m all alone in the hotel. Anyway, they will join you very soon. I’m sure Tru and Kirsten will enjoy this holiday to the fullest. Cheers and have fun!

  • Reply Esther Teo September 12, 2011 at 12:25 pm

    Have fun! It nice to have ‘me’ time sometime. I’m planning to bring my kids to Melbourne n Brisbane in Dec. Im looking forward to your blog about your trip. Enjoy!!!!

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