
Hey, sleepyhead

Sometimes, after a rough night where baby Theo wakes up every hour for a feed, I try to return the favour in the morning by putting him on my bed and kissing his eyelids and cheeks and nose and fingers and toes until he wakes up.

Struggling to open his eyes, he’ll make the cutest sleepy baby face like “help…eyelids. too. heavy…” and I’ll be all “hahahahah welcome to the club, sunshine. I know the feeling, momma’s been making that face all night.


After a minute (or 15, depending), he’ll finally open his eyes and gaze at me sleepily and his little sleepyhead face will light up with a killer smile like “ohai it’s you, my favourite human! yeah okay, I guess you’re worth waking up for…” and I’ll be all “GAH! That’s exactly how I feel too, you tiny little demanding person.


You’re exhausting but so worth waking up for.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Madeline Heng September 18, 2014 at 9:48 am

    Totally know what u.. 9 months on and I still wake up every 2 hours.. and yes totally worth it!
    Madeline Heng´s last post ..Travel Tips 2: Nursing on the Travel

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