the breast things in life are free

Gummy Mcbitey

Last night was kind of rough. Baby Finn was up every half hour throughout the night for no other reason than to bite my boobs. Must be nice to be a baby, with free access to delicious boobs all day and all night.

Moments like these, I am just thankful that he doesn’t have any teeth in those bitey gums.

By the time morning rolled around, both me and my boobs were a little exhausted from all the attention. In fact, one of them was seriously considering giving up this breastfeeding gig and going back to being a regular decorative boob.

Just then, I remembered something the husband said a couple of days ago during one of his more profound moments. There was this elderly caucasian couple next to us on the plane back from Bali who really liked Finn and they kept smiling at him during the flight. They waved to him as they made their way out of the plane and the husband turned to me and said “It would really suck to have to say bye to Finn Finn. Good thing we get to have him all the time.”

To that, I say AMEN.

This little guy is often squirmy, sometimes difficult and occasionally spends an entire night mauling my boobs but he’s all mine and I get to have him all the time.

Plus once in a while, when he gets in a nice long nap, I get rewarded with a gummy grin. I know I’m supposed to be all “ooh so cute” looking at this but basically, I’m just glad those gums aren’t attached to my boobs right now.

bed head

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  • Reply Christine February 26, 2013 at 7:56 pm

    You are right, we are so lucky to have our baby all time time. A baby around Baby Finn’s age is probably at his cutest phase.. You tease him, he’d smile or giggle at you. I have given up breastfeeding a couple months ago. I felt really sad and guilty in the beginning but now I’m glad I did that. My baby is younger than Finn but already has 2 teeth. Can’t imagine breastfeeding a teething baby.

    • Reply Daphne February 26, 2013 at 9:32 pm

      Wow so fast!! Hopefully Finn’s teeth don’t come out for another couple of months. Don’t feel guilty about stopping breastfeeding, to have started at all is already quite an achievement. :)

      I’d probably have stopped too if not for the fact that I’m saving quite a bit on formula. Plus I’d like to think that I’m burning off that extra cup of milo I drink every night.

  • Reply JJ February 26, 2013 at 9:02 pm

    I understand perfectly what you meant by Baby Finn being permanently attached to your boobs. My baby is now 8.5 months old now. I pride myself being able to directly latch him on which I was unable to do so with my elder one previously. However, this led to his obsession with my breast whenever I am around.

    I am a working mum, so the only time he will have access to my boobs are at night and during weekends. Every night without fail, when his bedtime comes, NOBODY can settle him, except me and my boobs. He will diligently be waking up every 3 hours, wanting access to my boobs. I long for the time he will be sleeping through the night!

    I do worry about how to wean him off my boobs. How am I supposed to make him sleep if my boobs are not producing any more milk? I am almost about to give up on breastfeeding as my milk supply is dwindling. Reading your this post gave me renewed determination to press on to at least cross over the 1 year mark. Am going to treasure this special powers of mine while it lasts.

    Did I mention he already has 4 teeth and 2 more emerging? Haha, I have been taught to pinch his little nose whenever he bites so that he will know how to treat my boobs gently. So far so good….although the occasional bites hurt so much! Anyway, the greatness of motherhood to bear with all pain! :)

    • Reply Daphne February 26, 2013 at 9:35 pm

      I know!! I struggled so hard to latch Tru & Kirsten and it was like a massive achievement to be able to boob feed this one. Oh and thanks for the tip! I’ll try the nose pinching when he tries to bite me with teeth, although I hope that never happens heh

  • Reply jaime February 26, 2013 at 9:46 pm

    I wean my girl off my boobs at ard 11 months old…ard 10 months plus..her 8 teeth gave me a bite n never recover if I keep latching. so I was resolute to wean her though it was awfully easy to put her to sleep. with the boobs.. it was pretty tough for a week or two..but the good thing my boobs recovered. .not really looking forward to another round of breast feeding gig this June..but i still prefer to connect wiith the baby than the pump…

    Finn has the most awesome hair!!

    • Reply Daphne February 28, 2013 at 11:26 am

      Oh yes i definitely agree with boobs being easier to put him to sleep! Just feed and he’s out. And I’d take latching on over pumping any day. Just can’t wait till I get my boobs back though!

  • Reply Layla February 28, 2013 at 5:59 am

    You have the most adorable kids! Almost like edible cute!!

    My son is now 4 months old and he has already two teeth, and let me tell you something, they are SHARP! He bit me once so hard that a hole appeared in the nipple and when I pumped the milk was PINK from the blood. Yikes.
    My husband said “my son is a vampire” lol

    So now I just give him the pacifier because I can’t risk being chewed on at night anymore :)

    How old is your son?
    Layla´s last post ..Awesomeness And How To Get Free Finnish Pancakes

    • Reply Daphne February 28, 2013 at 11:30 am

      Awww thanks Layla! Babies are so juicy and edible which is why I munch on their thighs and cheeks everyday heh.

      Um wow your story sounds totally ouch!! I don’t want holes in my booobs man. I’m probably going to wean him once he has teeth. He turned 6 months yesterday :)

  • Reply Joy February 28, 2013 at 12:40 pm

    Awwwww look at Finn’s smile ;)

    I’m no mummy but you sound like an awesomeee possum mother :)

    • Reply Daphne March 4, 2013 at 2:41 pm

      Thanks Joy that’s so sweet of you! I bet the kids don’t think I’m that awesome all the time but thanks heh!

  • Reply Angela March 4, 2013 at 1:12 pm

    Hi Daphne, any idea y finn wakes up so often to bite ur boobs? and is he still like that or just that night?

    • Reply Daphne March 4, 2013 at 2:43 pm

      That night was one of the worst but he doesn’t like to sleep much. On a regular night, he wakes up every 2-3 hours to drink (but not much – mostly to soothe himself). He doesn’t sleep much in the day either and I have no idea why..

      Tru & Kirsten were both sleeping through the night at 3 months so this is an anomaly sighhh

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