stuff best described as not safe for parents

Who knew jet lag was contagious? Explains why the kids are having it too.

I just had the weirdest morning. Still jet-lagging, we were up at 4.30 feeling ravenously hungry and unmistakably awake – a terrible combination at that sort of hour. Instead of spending the next 3 hours getting frustrated trying to fall back asleep, we decided to get up and order a McD’s breakfast, hoping to placate the hunger before attempting to go back to bed.

Just as the husband headed out the door, Truett woke up all blurry eyed. He was all “mommy, what are you doing?” while I was like “shhhh, go back to bed, daddy went to buy McDonald’s.” Ok, never mention that word to a 2-year-old at 4.30 in the morning. He sat right up and declared “I’m very hungry, I need to eat McDonalds.” Several minutes later, Kirsten woke up because kids have a sixth sense about the M word in the house.

So there we were having hash browns and fish burgers in the dead of the night. If there was any hope of us going back to sleep after that, it all disappeared after that last mouthful of iced milo when Truett decided it was time to play with his toys. And the weirdest thing was, we just went along with it.

The parent side of my brain said it was crazy, but I didn’t particularly fancy spending the next two hours trying to battle with two kids who were well and truly awake. Just this once, I muttered to myself.

What we did was put on a Finding Nemo DVD for them while we cleaned up the house. For the next 3 hours, we vacuumed and mopped the floor, did the laundry, cleaned out all the cabinets, cleared out a whole bunch of old clothes, washed the fans, wiped down every possible surface with Dettol and sat down for a second breakfast of egg mayo sandwiches.

At 11.30am, I figured it was time to put the kids to bed with a bottle of milk each. Kirsten’s eyes were rolling into her head as she drank, her bottle periodically spasming out of her hands with a violent jerk.

It’s now 4pm and they’re both still sound asleep. Meanwhile, I’m exhausted but refusing to cave because I can’t have another night of insomnia. Hopefully if I make it till this evening, I can make my system adjust back to Singapore time soon enough.

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  • Reply Shiqin March 30, 2011 at 7:40 am

    “…need to eat McDonalds” totally slay me. Hope you’ve had plenty of rest! :)
    Shiqin´s last post ..Phuket In A Gift-Wrapped Box

    • Reply Daphne March 30, 2011 at 10:52 am

      Went to bed at 11 last night, so much much better today phew!

  • Reply Andrea March 31, 2011 at 11:10 am

    Ha totally identify! rem once a long time ago, allan, ethan & I suffered jetlag, woke up at 5am, n went for Kway Chap at 5.30am. Should have seen the uncle’s face (a mixture of wah-my-kway-chap-is-hot! cum what-kind-of-parents??!! cum shoots-is-my-pig-skin-soft-yet?! look). Good to know u r feeling much better :) Welcome back!

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