side effects of motherhood

You’ve got a friend in me

it's more fun with two

These days, I love watching the kids play together. Seems like it’s turning out to be a brilliant idea to have them so close together after all.

Make no mistake, it’s no fun being pregnant when your first kid is 4 months old. Towards the last trimester, there was an aura of foul smells hovering around Truett because one time I sat down to bathe him and I spent 15 minutes trying to get up. Unsuccessfully. That’s when I gave up on the bathing thing altogether and just waited until the husband got back.

After Kirsten was born, it was possibly even worse. I honestly don’t know how I survived the first 6 months with two screaming babies alone all day. Sometimes, just thinking about those days still makes me want to cry. Or scream. Probably both.

But I think I’ve paid my dues because now that baby girl is bigger, she’s become the perfect companion for Tru. She’s the yin to his yang. She forces him to share his stuff, calms him down when he’s in a frenzy and lets him perform all kinds of ridiculous experiments on her when he’s bored. In turn, he kisses her head and makes her smile.

When they’re a little bigger, he’ll spend all his time being up to no good and she’ll be like “Tru, we can’t put spiders in momma’s panties. They’re going to spin cobwebs and then we’ll all be in trouble.”

I can only hope that the she is able to resist the lure of the dark side. Be mindful of the force, my young padawan.

Right now though, it’s much easier for me. I can read to both kids at the same time. They drink milk and change their jammies and go to bed together. Instead of having to entertain two kids, I put them down and let them go crazy while I sip my coffee.

Granted, there’s plenty of conflict resolution to be done because half the time, they’re pulling out each other’s hair and screeching. Then I get to step in all adulty and yell at both of them just like my mom used to do. And if you think about it, in all likelihood I’d still be yelling if I just had one so I’m still rocking that whole economies of scale business.

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  • Reply Chrystal March 24, 2010 at 11:38 am

    Your post makes me feel less anxious about what’s to come for me in another 7-8months. Did I tell you I’m having TWINS?! That’s double/triple the fun and trouble!

    • Reply Daphne March 24, 2010 at 11:10 pm

      @Chrystal, OMG TWINS??!!! Seems like everyone is having twins. Except me. I NEED TWINS. Preferably a boy and a girl.

      And before I forget, congrats! Twice. Hope you have a great pregnancy and get all the rest you can.

  • Reply kless March 25, 2010 at 12:11 am

    TWO is really wonderful! =)
    .-= kless´s last blog ..Pulai Springs Resort Special: Part III =-.

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