side effects of motherhood, travelling

Lessons from the aquarium

During our visit to the the KLCC aquarium last week, I took the chance to sneak in a little science lesson for Tru so it would be both FUN AND EDUCATIONAL YAYYY! Except that I wasn’t very good at marine biology so I had to first learn them myself before I could impart those pearls of wisdom (how’s that for a marine metaphor?) to my son.

I usually don’t pay much attention to those descriptive write ups next to the animal exhibits because I’d much rather be making faces at them but as it turns out, learning can be so much fun and we both came back a little smarter.

I’ll even share some with you so you can skip the trip down and go straight to the learning bit. Unless you want to go down to make faces at the fish, then I highly recommend that you do that.

1. Tru and I have the same favorite marine animal – sea turtles.

2. Male horseshoe crabs can remain attached to the female for weeks just because being together is so much better than being apart.

3. Question: What do I have in common with piranhas? We’re both cute and love meat. True story.

4. Sand Tiger Sharks can keep growing teeth to replace broken or chipped ones. They will literally never run out of teeth.

5. The only thing more gross than a regular frog is an albino one. Being translucent sort of makes it worse.

6. DON’T EVER PEE ON A JELLYFISH STING. I don’t care what you learnt from watching Friends. Don’t do it.

7. Tru’s fish motto: Fish are friends, not food.

8. My fish motto: Fish are food. Very tasty and nutritious food.


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  • Reply Corsage @ A Dollop Of Me May 12, 2011 at 7:05 pm

    Gosh I’ve been to KL so many times but I had no idea KLCC has an aquariam!! I should make a trip there sometime with the Bubs in tow!
    Corsage @ A Dollop Of Me´s last post ..Krabi- The Eats

  • Reply Mia May 16, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    Going to aquarium seems an educational trip. After reading the post, I am fascinated with the things that one could learn from KLCC aquarium. I love sea turtles but I am scared of piranhas.
    Mia´s last post ..5 Lottery Tips

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