picture perfect

Who needs color when you’ve got black and white

There was a time when I was so into black and white photography. There’s something so bittersweet and romantic about it, which suited my angsty teenage self just fine. It had nothing to do with how I felt so badass shooting in black and white with a film camera or the fact that my terrible pictures could pass off as artistic without color. Nothing like that at all.

Then I met color which was all happy and vibrant and made everything pop, which was great for taking photos of the kids and I’ve been shooting in color ever since.

But this batch of photos I took seemed just perfect for black and white, so I did a bit of Lightroom-ing and I think I’m in love with black and white all over again.

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  • Reply rachel October 9, 2010 at 2:40 am

    I heart B&W photograhy too. It has this peace and quiet.

    Or when finding some pictures looking too noisy, I’ll always convert them to B&W and always they’ll turn out nice =)
    rachel´s last post ..I’m NOT TIRED

  • Reply Jus October 10, 2010 at 12:14 am

    Same… I love B&W! Like Rachel, I change it to B/W especially if the lighting makes everyone look awful…

    Lovely shots you have there! Especially shot number 2. :)

  • Reply Hendra October 12, 2010 at 8:08 am

    Agree … when you take away all the colors and use only the shades of grays, you see the soul in the photo. :)

  • Reply Ouidad Blog October 13, 2010 at 12:41 am

    Beautiful photos, Daphne.
    -Deb for Ouidad

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