picture perfect, side effects of motherhood

The universe and long weekends.

So I’m a little behind on some deadlines because I just spent the last three days hanging out with the husband and the kids when I was supposed to be doing important work stuff. But it was like the universe was telling me to drop the work by putting a public holiday on a Friday. That’s just basic universe rules 101 and you know me, I’m all about following the rules. Except when it’s telling me to actually do work then I tend to practice a bit of selective rule-following.

But on the bright side, I managed to get these shots of baby girl getting her cute on.

A lot of people have been commenting that she’s looking more and more like daddy and I can see why. But this face right here, that’s 95% momma. This is what I call the serious face.

But the smile and the sexy pose, that’s all daddy. The only time you will ever catch me doing this is if a fly managed to get itself lodged in my armpits. Which is to say um, NEVER.

I don’t have a lot to tell you about last weekend because I didn’t get a lot done. No planning, no writing, no events to organize. It was just a lot of looking at this while sneaking in a few moments of holding hands with the husband and feeling like I got everything I ever wanted. Well, not literally everything, but at least the things that mattered the most. There’s still the pet pony and little island over on the Caribbean.

PS. it seemed a little unfair not to have any pics of Truett so here’s one of him as Superman. That’s like worth 4 regular photos at least.

PPS. Technically, that’s like 2 pictures of Tru (the one in the mirror also counts) so now I have to take a photo of Kirsten as Wonder Woman to balance it out. Having multiple kids is like sitting for a very difficult Math exam.

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  • Reply Anne November 8, 2010 at 5:37 pm

    The children are absolutely adorable! And love how u always get such great shots with fantastic lighting. My colleagues love the photo of Tru in the superman gear – priceless cuteness!

    • Reply Daphne November 10, 2010 at 3:23 pm

      Ok the secret is Lightroom and the canon 50mm 1.4. It’s all in the gear, serious!

  • Reply Jus November 9, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    Baby girl is really growing up, and looking cuter by the day! And Tru is rocking it in that suit! :)

    Btw, hope you got the photos that I’ve bombed your email with?
    Jus´s last post ..If you think this blog is dead

    • Reply Daphne November 10, 2010 at 3:26 pm

      Oh yes I did thanks a lot!! I still haven’t updated the pics yet I’m working on it.. Hopefully by this weekend! I’m clearly behind on a lot of stuff.

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