not feeling so supermom

And so I live to fight another day

I need a happy picture today because its been one crazy week. (Which one isnt, right? Do I hear an amen, mommas?) But it’s always exceptionally tough when the kids are sick. Don’t ask me how I survived the last 3 days with Tru quarantined at home, spreading his germs and general irritability. He’s like my Siamese twin whenever he’s sick, extra clingy and stuck to my hip all day. Now that they’re finally getting better, the husband is down and I’m barely holding out.

I’m glad today is Thursday, because that means my weekend starts tomorrow-ish. The whole family is going to gather for my Grandma’s birthday bash (a 3-day affair) so that’s going to be fun. Plenty of people to fuss over the kids while we sneak off to chill out by the beach. Or catch a movie. Or sleep. I miss sleep. Sleep is good.

Yesterday, baby girl woke up early from her nap because of the sniffles, feeling all miserable and looking the part. I’ll admit, I was pretty bummed because it was supposed to be my only clear-my-crazy-schedule quiet moment in the day, on the very day that I had a ton of emails to answer, work to clear, laundry to fold and of course, who’s forgetting the mountain of unwashed dishes that are threatening to eat up my kitchen.

But there she was, looking at me with those baby eyes, like “I need you now mommy!” which is my cue to drop everything and snuggle in bed with her until she feels better.

These are what I call crunch-time moments, the motherhood-defining ones. Moments like these, I literally stop and remind myself why I’m at home in the first place. Sure, I could make better use of my time to earn a few extra quid or keep the house spick and span. Or I could be a mom and be there for them when they need me now because I know in a couple of years, they’re not going to want to snuggle and it will be weird for me to blow raspberries on their thighs and kiss them all over a thousand times.

All this time I’m thinking that I make them feel better but truth is, they make me feel a whole lot better too.

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  • Reply YH July 22, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    Take care, u don’t want to fall sick on a weekend. Have a good weekend.

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2010 at 2:06 pm

      @YH, Thank you.. the kids are better now!

  • Reply Jayne July 22, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    What a heartwarming post! Get well soon, everyone! (same applies for the ones in my household!) The weekend to our rescue!
    Jayne´s last post ..Kids talk 2

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2010 at 2:07 pm

      @Jayne, Yes the weekend is very much welcome.. and the kids are better so thanks for the well wishes!

  • Reply sunflower July 23, 2010 at 12:33 am

    Kristen is soooooooooo cute and lovely and never fail to be the limelight. I want to rob her from you so that Yvette will have a cute sister!

    Get well soon!

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2010 at 2:10 pm

      @sunflower, Hey you can just have another baby girl, then Yvette can have a cute sister. Haha!

  • Reply Jus July 23, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    Get well soon! Take care and hope you’ll get abit more shut-eye over the weekend…

    Those pics of Kirsten are so nice! Hardly see her with a toothy grin. :)
    Jus´s last post ..Thankful Tuesdays- A long list

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2010 at 2:08 pm

      @Jus, I had one of the best sleep last night so Im feeling energetic! Cloudy (but not rainy) Saturdays are just perfect.

  • Reply jaime July 23, 2010 at 4:26 pm

    *sending get well vibes to Daphne and family*
    jaime´s last post ..Taipei- Fast and Furious and HOT!

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2010 at 2:09 pm

      @jaime, Thank you!

  • Reply JZ July 24, 2010 at 12:44 am

    Hi, I’m a working mom but I can totally understand what you mean by those motherhood-defining moments when nothing else is more precious than that hours/minutes/seconds with our child. And Kristen is really cute! Enjoy the weekend!

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2010 at 2:09 pm

      @JZ, Thanks, by the way Zhi En is such a dashing boy! he has the most amazing hair

  • Reply beanbean July 26, 2010 at 2:44 pm

    i hope everyone is feeling better! kirsten looks so sweet in these pics. you just want to squish her :)

  • Reply Ouidad Blog July 26, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    Such happy pictures. Thank you for sharing!
    -Deb for Ouidad

  • Reply shuey July 28, 2010 at 11:06 am

    Hope all of you are better now! I started working in June and can’t wait to go home everyday to see my sons. :)

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