motherhood, side effects of motherhood

Sugar and spice and all things nice

Remember how I was so sure that Kirsten was a boy before I found out that she was a girl? Most of you probably haven’t even started reading yet but I went around telling everyone that she was a boy and I even called her Travis for 5 months. I was kind of bummed, not because I don’t like girls (quite the contrary) but because if she grows up to have gender issues, it’s all on me.

I told the husband that I couldn’t care if I had 5 boys or 5 girls, it’s all the same to me. “As long as they were healthy” was the politically correct phrase. Now that I have one of each, I’ll fess up, I do care. I would be massively bummed if I had 5 boys and no girls. I’d feel like I was missing something and also, too much testosterone in the house is very bad.

Tru is all about adrenaline and adventure. His idea of love is doing crazy stuff to make us laugh, he squirms the moment I get too huggy kissy and if I smooch him too many times, he goes “no no no no noooooo“.

That’s why I’m really glad I’ve got baby girl. She loves sitting on my lap and gazing into my eyes. She lets me hug and squeeze her for as long as I want (which is forever). She breaks into this shy, girly smile when I nuzzle my nose into her ears. Even her giggles are so saccharine sweet that my heart turns to mush. She loves me back exactly the way I love her and that’s really awesome.

my heart doesn't even stand a chance

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  • Reply lxlb February 10, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    girls are really different aren’t they.

  • Reply judebabe February 11, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    I wanted a boy… even before I met my hubby.
    But now… I am really happy that I got a girl! They are so sweet!
    .-= judebabe´s last blog ..The ‘honeymoon’ is over… =-.

  • Reply Bun Bun Makeup Tips May 1, 2011 at 1:01 am

    I hope to have one boy and one girl too. =)
    Bun Bun Makeup Tips´s last post ..Eyebrow Pencil That Lasts Whole Day – Rimmel London Professional Eyebrow Pencil in Dark Brown

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