
Interview with the Vampire

16 July, 1630 hrs. Interviewed by Superdad who now looks like a terrorist with both his surgical mask and badass shades on. I feel compelled to give answers in the face of imminent death (by H1N1).

Q:  Its been 3 days since the arrival of Kirsten. Summarize your experience in a single word thus far.

A: Drained.

Q: Uh…alright let’s rephrase the question. Summarize your experience thus far, no word limit.

A: Tiring.

Q: Ahem, moving on. How was the whole labour process? 27 hours, no mean feat there.

A: Its not that fun. I was glad to get the baby out.

Q: Did you feel like it was a spiritual moment or something like that?

A: Not at all. It hurt a lot though. I am mostly just glad the baby is out.

Q: You’re known among close friends to want lots of kids. Has this experience changed any of that?

A: I may adopt.  From Africa or Vietnam. Maybe Vietnam. Yeah, Vietnam would be it.

Q: Why Vietnam?

A: It may be weird for me to have a black child.

Q: Baby Kirsten has jaundice and is back at the hospital. How do you feel about that?

A: I kinda miss her, but I’m glad I’m getting some time to rest. Which is terrible actually. Cos I’m not supposed to be happy that she’s not here. Of course, I’ll be happy if she was here too. I do miss her a lot. I’m not coherent, am I.

Q: You’re expressing milk through a breast pump as we conduct this interview- How’re those boobs coming along?

A: Not so good. I need to multitask. There’s nary a drop of milk. Zilch. None. I had to drink soup which smells of dead fish to get those milk ducts flowing, but there’s nary a drop. Zilch.

Q: How is Truett taking to Kirsten so far?

A: I think he is adjusting. He seems to be quite intrigued, but not particularly fond of her yet. I think he tried to headbutt her the other day. He probably needs a while. My stitches kinda hurt.

Q: Oh, yeah, those stitches..what’s the word..episiotomy? Any problems peeing?

A: Nope, but its hurts when I take a dump. I think I can keep it in for a week though, hopefully by which time it would be healed.

Q: Uh..okay. How are the baby blues? Cried a lot?

A: Well, I didn’t cry as much as the last time. Its hard to explain. A lot of it is irrational but..its very physical. I can feel the depression coming on pretty strong and it happens when i’m (attempting) to breastfeed or expressing milk. Or anytime of the day actually. Its a terrible feeling.

Q: What could possibly make you feel better right now?

A: Sleep. Emotional support. Bubble tea.

Q: Any inspirational last words for to-be-mothers out there?

A: Sleep now while you can. The end is nigh.

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  • Reply Sheri July 16, 2009 at 11:31 pm

    Hello, found your site thru Mums-A-Musing.
    My friend & I both experience the weird/horrible/depressing feeling too when we try to breastfeed our newborns. The feeling’s hard to put into words but for sure it’s our hormones at work. We also experienced contractions of our womb. Pretty painful! But hey, anything to deflate the tummy, man!

    Btw I produce very very little too if using the pump. I hate the pump.

    Just in case you haven’t tried fenugreek to up your BM supply, do try. I got mine from GNC.

  • Reply Stephanie July 17, 2009 at 9:43 am

    That just says it all, lol. I am currently 22w with my first biological child (fostered a few, recently). I am enjoying my break from the foster-kids and enjoying my sleep, more. Even if it is during the middle of the day, he he.

  • Reply lxlb July 17, 2009 at 10:36 am

    u’re FREAKING me out.

  • Reply Daphne July 17, 2009 at 8:21 pm

    @ Sheri – you’re the second person to mention fenugreek via this blog! Ok I’m going to try that. Thank you!
    @ Stephanie, lxlb – oh, don’t worry, it’s not as bad as I make it seem – its probably a lot worse.

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