love bites

We made it to the seven

kel & daf

Seven years ago tomorrow, it was a beautiful Sunday. The sun was warm (but not unbearably so) and the day was pretty. At least it felt that way in my head – I can’t really remember. Most of that Sunday seemed like a crazy whirlwind of photo taking, tea ceremonies, people telling us what to do and way too much smiling required for one day but there were a few things I remember quite vividly about it.

I could hardly sleep the night before because I was terrified and so ridiculously happy all at the same time. More terrified and happy than I’ve ever felt up to that point. 

At 5 in the morning, I lay awake in bed thinking about how much I wanted the day to slow down so I could take in every moment of it. 

Someone shouted that you were here and I peered out of the window, watching you walk towards my house with with that goofy grin. It was comforting to see that you looked as terrified and happy as I did. 

By noon, I was completely exhausted and I remember thinking that all I wanted to do was to take a nap. Also, the day was going far too slowly for my liking. I decided it needed to speed up a little. 

I can’t really remember much about walking down the aisle or saying my vows or cutting the cake or any of those epic moments one is supposed to remember about one’s wedding…except that it happened. The moment I remembered most clearly was halfway though the thousand photos we took that day, when you turned to me and whispered “is your face cramping up? I don’t think I’ve ever smiled this much in my life. Let’s just scowl at each other for the rest of the night” and we secretly exchanged a hi-five.

Shortly after that, you said “in case I forget to tell you later, this has been the best day of my life.” Although you did remember to tell me again several more times before the day was over. 

Looking back, we didn’t have a plan or a house or a car or even the faintest clue what our lives would be like seven years down the road. We just closed our eyes, held hands and took a leap.

Over the years, we discovered that marriage isn’t easy. Having babies isn’t easy. Building a life together isn’t easy. Heck, life isn’t easy. It’s fun and exhilarating and awesome but also sometimes boring and scary and so incredibly hard. It took us all the grit and tenacity and commitment we could muster to get to where we are and now, we’ve got a little 7-year-old marriage that’s almost big enough to go to primary school. Which is to say that there’s still so much more ahead of us. I’m guess I’m glad we get to do this together.

Today, I look at my best friend in the world and our 3 babies (plus the little one we’re getting ready to meet) and I feel like what we have right now is better than any other version of my life I could possibly ask for.

Happy seventh a day early, baby!

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  • Reply Adeline @ Growing with the Tans March 17, 2014 at 4:39 pm

    Awwww… Happy anniversary, you guys! Here’s to many more happy memories, with so many things to smile about that your faces cramp up again and again. :)
    Adeline @ Growing with the Tans´s last post ..Why I Breastfed for… Nineteen Months

  • Reply Madeline Heng March 17, 2014 at 5:07 pm

    4 in 7? You guys are really being fruitful and multiply! Happy Anniversary! :)
    Madeline Heng´s last post ..Fun on Friday Afternoons

  • Reply Regina March 17, 2014 at 5:10 pm

    I love that you just took a leap into the unknown, with just each other to fall back on.

    That, to me, must be the best reason to get married.

    Happy Anniversary, you two!

  • Reply szemin March 17, 2014 at 5:11 pm

    Congrats and happy anniversary! :) i’ve enjoyed reading your blog so much! Looking forward to more exciting stories in the many years to come!

  • Reply Elizabeth March 17, 2014 at 6:31 pm

    Congrats and happy anniversary! Doing 4 kids and staying in love for 7 years must be too crazy and awesome at the same time!

  • Reply Jaq March 17, 2014 at 9:01 pm

    Happy Anniversary , Kel and Daph !

  • Reply missuschewy March 19, 2014 at 10:11 pm

    Congrats! This is a really sweet post

  • Reply Living Serenely March 29, 2014 at 10:37 am

    Happy anniversary Daphne! Sorry this is a little overdue, just managing to catch up on my blog reads this weekend. And congratulations on baby #4!
    Living Serenely´s last post ..A wormy love story (a fun book play for kids)

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