
Sisters > food

Truett came home from school starving yesterday, like “Quick, is there any food?? I’m super hungry, I need to eat 2 bowls of noodles!!”

Me: Why are you starving? Didn’t you eat during recess?

Tru: I only had 40 cents left so I just had some biscuits.

Me: *sigh* Were you buying stuff from the book shop again? We need to talk about this.

Tru: I got this princess sticker book for Kirsten. I didn’t get her a birthday present so I wanted to give her a surprise today. Then I didn’t have money left to eat. But never mind, I know that she will surely love it so much.

Me: That’s really sweet of you, Tru. Ok let’s go get you noodles pronto.

After he got home, he wrapped it up himself and spent the whole afternoon preparing an elaborate treasure hunt for Kirsten, who was thrilled out of her socks.

See these two lovebirds.

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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  • Reply Adeline July 31, 2015 at 4:32 pm

    You’ve got the sweetest kids ever! Tru is such a great korkor. I mean, I don’t even think I’d sacrifice food to buy something for my husband. Don’t tell him I said that though! :P
    Adeline´s last post ..Friday Flips #25: Chinese Books from Flip for Joy (Plus Giveaway!)

  • Reply Pris August 1, 2015 at 5:47 am


    Seriously the sweetest thing ever. And I don’t think that’s even “typical” of what older siblings do – speaking from personal experience here with my older sis growing up.
    Pris´s last post ..Whirlwind trip to Zürich

  • Reply Lyn Lee August 10, 2015 at 8:41 pm

    Was Truett on NDP in the kids’ video? Saw a kid that looked like him…

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