growing up, how i pretend to be a cool mum

I need you too

When I was young they told me that no man is an island

I laughed at the metaphor, mostly because I was sure I’d make a fantastic island

I don’t need anybody“, I said

Needing people makes you weak

Especially if they don’t need you back the same

Or when they leave and never come back

I made my heart smaller so there would only be room for me

Then one day he managed to squeeze his way in

I need you too, and I’m not going anywhere“, he said

Grabbing a stool, he made himself comfortable

Although it is a little cramped in here“, he murmured

Slowly he taught me how to make my heart bigger and bigger and bigger

Some days it gets crowded and I learn how to make a little more room

Now I realize that needing people can make you look weak

But it what it really does is make you strong

Truth is, I don’t even care about that anymore

Because it makes me happy, which is way better than before

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