how i pretend to be a cool mum, i love christmas, side effects of motherhood

Ho Ho Holiday

We’ve really enjoyed our Christmas break this year. The kids have been in a spectacular mood all week and we’re all a little high from all the celebrating we’ve done. I’m taking a break from all that relaxing I’ve been doing and wrapping up with some final thoughts on the past several days.

Where’s Jesus, baby?

In explaining Christmas to the kids, we’ve told them a condensed version of the Nativity story and they know that it’s Jesus’ birthday. They were a little confused as to why they were receiving presents on someone else’s birthday but they’re not really fussed about it. At this point, they don’t care much for why they’re getting a present, because “LOOK A PRESENT FOR ME? WOW THANKS!”

Kirsten wanted to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and so we did. When we were done, I asked her where Jesus was and she looked at me for a moment before patting her little belly. “In my stomach”, she said.

“Sweetie, I think you mean *heart*, right?”

“No, Jesus is not in my heart. Jesus is in my stomach.”

“I’d love to know how that happened, pumpkin. Wait, on second thoughts, I really don’t. I think we’re going to have to spend a little more time on the human anatomy next year ok.”

Hunger almost always works

This time every year, the husband takes a week’s leave from Christmas till after the New Year. It’s like our special family time week. This year, the kids still have school so we figured we’d let them go the school in the morning and bring them out for fun activities in the afternoon. Truett saw the husband in his shabby state yesterday morning and asked “When Truett and mei mei go to school, where is daddy and mommy going?” We didn’t really have any plans except breakfast so we told him as much.

He immediately replied with “I’m so hungry, I need to eat breakfast, if not I will be sick.” It almost worked, if not for the fact that he just had breakfast and would be getting more breakfast in school.

It’s the thought that counts

I love everything about Christmas except the gift-buying bit, which is like the bane of my existence. I love the idea of giving gifts and seeing the person’s face light up when they unwrap the item you lovingly picked out after spending all day fighting off hordes of people along Orchard Road to get. But choosing gifts has never been one of my many talents and I hardly ever get that reaction. In fact, the only face-lighting I’ve seen is from the kids and that’s probably because they don’t care if I got them popsicle sticks. Their delight is in the fact that we bought them something special, wrapped it up and wrote their name on it.

Over the years, many of the gifts I thought were brilliant and thoughtful has turned out to be meh so I’m through with all this gift-choosing. Next year, I’m spending all that time I’m supposed to be out buying presents on something far more productive, like watching movies or reading a book while sipping my latte. Everyone is getting gift vouchers so they can pick out their own presents. Done. Best gift idea ever.

Hello, Kitties!

On the topic of presents, Kirsten has been amassing an impressive collection of Hello Kitty merch this Christmas. She’s got a Hello Kitty bag, 2 Hello Kitty plushies, a Hello Kitty dollhouse, a Hello Kitty hooded towel, a Hello Kitty comb, a Hello Kitty bikini and a truckload of Hello Kitty clothes.

I have never been in possession of this many Hello Kitty items in my life and it’s rather disconcerting in that I’m starting to develop a soft spot for it (her? them?). I would normally have gone into an anaphylactic shock in the presence of such saccharine sweet pinkness but I guess it’s true, being a parent does change you.

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  • Reply Ai Sakura December 29, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    I’ve been a huge fan of Hello Kitty for a long time!! Recently bought the Hello Kitty Megablocks sets for her .. not sure if she’s more excited to find them, or me haha..
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Wordless Wednesday {linky party}: Happy New Year 2012! 新年明けまして~!

    • Reply Daphne January 3, 2012 at 7:41 pm

      Wow there’s a Hello Kitty megabloks set?? I need to make sure Kirsten never sees it.

  • Reply Lim yian December 29, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    Merry belated Xmas to u n family!
    I must confess I m also lousy at choosing presents. I can crack my head for 2 months.. Then I thought I came up with a brilliant idea.. Only to find out the truth from the recipients face! But everyone’s getting chocolate next year cos if they don’t like it, I will eat it!! Hohoho

    • Reply Daphne January 3, 2012 at 7:42 pm

      Hi 5 on that! Chocolate is definitely a good idea, except that it won’t be very helpful for my diet..

  • Reply SengkangBabies December 30, 2011 at 11:51 pm

    At least you are buying presents for friends, imagine company parties gift-exchange, always choc and mugs and photo frames !

    Wishing you and family a Happy New Year !
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..Marina Bay Cool. 滨海湾, 酷!

    • Reply Daphne January 3, 2012 at 7:44 pm

      True! The good thing about those gifts is that you can recycle for another group’s gift exchange – very efficient LOL

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