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Getting Floored No More


Interior design (or any kind of design, for that matter) is not one of our strengths, so when we bought our first home 5 years ago, we had no idea what to do with all that space or how to make it homely. Well ok, we did have some ideas but a lot of those ideas weren’t very practical so after all the renovation work was done, we realized that we had made some very amateur mistakes.

Like having a wooden kitchen table top. I like the look of a wooden finish but apparently it’s not very durable when it comes into contact with water, which happens all the time because it’s right next to the sink. Now I have to wipe up every drop of water from the counter top whenever it gets wet and that is a real pain.

And you know what else is a bad idea? Smooth bathroom tiles. When we went tile shopping, we wanted black tiles to create a mysterious, romantic hotel sort of feel.

It didn’t occur to us what a bad idea smooth toilet tiles is until we finished taking our inaugural shower in the new bathroom, stepped out onto the wet, smooth tiles and did a slow-motion naked-arm-flailing-try-not-to-fall routine. Over the years, we’ve had to do the same routine (some successful, others not so much) after every shower. On the bright side, we’ve developed a fantastic sense of balance.

When 3M offered to send over some anti-slip floor stickers, we figured it would be nice not to have to face the imminent threat of falling on our bare bottoms multiple times a day.

These 13cm x 13cm stickers come in a pack of 4 and there are a bunch of colorful kid-friendly designs to choose from. The application process was easy enough – just peel and stick on a clean, dry surface. It’s also been extremely durable and a breeze to clean. I just scrub over the stickers with my brush whenever I wash the bathroom and I haven’t had to deal with frayed edges or a loss of adhesion.

The best part is that they do the job they’re required to quite effectively, which is to prevent slips and falls. I can step out confidently after my shower and focus on perfecting my hair-flick like one of those shampoo commercials instead of having to worry about doing an unglamorous backflip.

The stickers can also be used in the kitchen, wash areas or common toilets – basically anywhere that gets wet and slippery.

Because we all know that not falling is always good.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of 3M. All opinions and text are my own.

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  • Reply Daphne Maia April 10, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    omg so cute. there’s giraffe! haha.

    my bathroom flooring isn’t smooth, in fact it’s downright painful to step on when we climb out of the bath tub. :( not so smart of the owner to have done that (we’re renting) and i’m sure he probably only found out during his inaugural bath there too. LOL.

    i can definitely see the use for it, but perhaps they should also come up with clear ones without any design (or at least expand on the range of prints so we can choose the stickers to match our flooring etc). i’m not sure i really want giraffes on my floor if i have really classy tiles and a beautiful counter top in my bathroom. hahaha.
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    • Reply Daphne April 10, 2012 at 2:31 pm

      Haha they should have Hello Kitty ones you’ll probably get it. But I totally agree on the design range – these are meant for a kid’s bathroom with cutesy tiles.

      • Reply Anonymous April 10, 2012 at 3:26 pm

        Hi there, I’ve got these on my bathroom floors and they work well so far. It’s good to know they can withstand repeated scrubbings as I’ve not had them for very long. Btw, they do have these in a plain design. It’s clear and see through. FYI. :)

        • Reply Daphne April 10, 2012 at 7:46 pm

          Ooh, thanks for the info! Clear ones would definitely be good for the classier bathrooms.

  • Reply Audrey April 10, 2012 at 2:25 pm

    But Daphne, the ‘hotel’ look of your bathroom has gone!

    • Reply Daphne April 10, 2012 at 2:32 pm

      LOL I know right!! But I’m thinking the hotel look is overrated compared to not falling on my ass.

  • Reply Pearlene Massie April 10, 2012 at 4:05 pm

    Hi Daphne,
    I bought the non-slip ticket tiles too for our common bathroom for my 2 years old girl. She loves it and danced happily on it. But after a month or less, I noticed that a corner of the sticker had peeled off. Last weekend the other piece had peeled off by off and the surface wasn’t that anti-skid as per new. Now I wasn’t sure if I should buy another set as based on the retail price for a pack of 4 it’s not cheap if it only last for a month.

    • Reply Daphne April 10, 2012 at 7:48 pm

      Thanks for sharing.. maybe you can feedback to 3M via their website. Hopefully mine can last longer than a month

  • Reply Marie April 10, 2012 at 6:39 pm

    Yay! I’ve been looking for something like this for the past year! The kitchen loo has slippery tiles (designer lied) and I’ve done a couple of splits :(

    • Reply Daphne April 10, 2012 at 7:49 pm

      Yeah you should definitely try them out. :)

  • Reply christina April 11, 2012 at 8:34 am

    I bought a pack of 3M anti slip sticker some time ago, I must say it serve me well, no peeling at edges. Most importantly prevent fall/slip at the bathroom :)
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