from around here

Rockin’ a faux hawk, and other stuff

Yikes, we’re almost done with May and hasn’t this year has been positively blitzy? You know, I think I might have severely underestimated what it’s like to have 4 kids. The transition from 3 to 4 has been crazier than I imagined it to be. Much, much crazier. So many tiny people needing so many things! Most days, it’s just non stop action from the get go.

This has been happening a lot – I get to the end of each week and I wonder where all my hours have gone to.

In between helping Truett with his pursuit of academia, ferrying various kids to and from various places {have I mentioned that I’m cycling everywhere these days? I’m turning into a hipster; just me and my little beach cruiser. The kids unanimously agree that cycling is far superior to walking or sitting in the car as a mode of transportation} and other general mom stuff, I’m losing track of all the hours.


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

//General mom stuff includes but is not limited to answering questions about why dogs are furry (I don’t know is not an acceptable answer, mom! Go check on your laptop), giving out post nap cuddles (the best kind), sponging sick babies (happening far too much lately), hosting dance parties, planning meals, washing bums and cutting hair. Yes, cutting hair. When one becomes a mom, one must learn to do mom things. I just gave Theo a haircut yesterday, see my masterpiece.

//Does he look like a big boy now or what??? He’s the best hair-cuttee of all my babies. I did briefly consider growing his hair out like Finn, but it was immediately vetoed by the husband. Good call, husband! This baby sure knows how to rock a faux hawk.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

The craziest thing is that I love it though, this crazy life. I feel obnoxious for loving it so much but urgh, I do love it so.

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