
Being Finn’s momma

So the one good thing that has come out of having these awful pregnancy symptoms is that I’ve been able to spend more time at home with Finn. And that’s a very good thing indeed. Having this baby blow kisses at my tummy has a special way of making everything seem less miserable.

I love being this boy’s momma.


Here’s what it means to be baby Finn’s momma these days.

// Running! Jumping! Climbing! Sliding! There’s no time for sitting around or leisurely walks. MORE ADRENALINE!! HUSTLE, MOMMA, you’re too slow!

// All that running usually leads to some falling. He’ll hold up his injured body part for a kiss as his face scrunches up in pain and a tiny little teardrop runs down his cheek. I’ve learnt that the number of kisses required is directly proportionate to the severity of the fall.

climb, run, skip

// “Love momma!” The two words that turn me into a glob of melty heart jello.

// Tiny hands that fit just right in my palm.

// “OO-DLE!! Want OO-DLE!!” All kinds of noodles, don’t matter if they’re the soft rice vermicelli kind or the springy ramen kind, they’re all delicious.

// Interesting fashion choices, like when he refused to wear anything except Kirsten’s Nirvana top. Who cares if it says GIRLS on the tag? It’s Nirvana. Shh, don’t tell.


// Random high-pitched talking. We start off having a regular conversation and as he gets more excited, his pitch goes higher and higher until it reaches a singsong hypersonic range and suddenly, we’re talking like two chipmunks. It’s a lot more fun than it sounds.

// The Count. He’s not even two and he’s counting up to 30. Such a show off! But consider me impressed.

// This kid gives the best bedtime cuddles – he has a sweet spot in the nook of my arm next to my chest and he gets really mad when that spot isn’t available. When he discovers me lying on my side, he’ll prod me in the rib to make me turn over. It’s giving me massive backaches but my, these cuddles are the sweetest. Don’t ever stop.

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