
Discover Wonder with 3M

One of my favourite things about having a baby (that’s why I have so many!) is being able to experience the world through their eyes all over again. As grown ups, for better or worse, we’ve learnt to see things the way they should be. But kids, they’re just discovering the world for the first time, a world where everything is new and wonderful.

Before babies learn about how things work, they are able to discover wonder in the world. That’s magic. With all my kids, I’ve let them run free to explore the world right from the moment they started getting more mobile. Go, be off on grand adventures! There’s so much fun to be had in the world.

planning their next adventure

These two little ones are already planning their next adventure

But the thing with babies is that along with the freedom to roam and discover wonder comes the very real possibility of discovering danger. They have zero awareness of danger so any number of bad things could happen in that split second that we take our eyes off them. They might accidentally get their fingers pinched by the door (that’s happened), or bang their precious little head onto a table corner (yes, that too!), chomp on an wire (um…yeah), or poke a thumb into the electrical socket (ok thankfully, no). I love watching my babies grow but the crawler phase? That’s intense, because I have to watch them like a hawk every second of every day.

That’s where babyproofing comes in. With the right safeguards, the kids’ exploration around the house doesn’t need to be filled with knocks and bruises.

Baby Theo’s getting more mobile in the next few months so I’m looking into re-babyproofing my house to make sure everything is safe once he starts crawling everywhere.

danger alert

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!

Over the years, I’ve tried so many child safety products and I’m here to tell you that you should save your time and money and just go straight for the ones from 3M. Nobody does better child safety products than 3M. These are thoughtfully designed with moms in mind, to provide a safe environment for babies in the home. It’s so convenient and easy to use.

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Rotating finger pinch guard

All the other finger pinch guards in the market are pretty basic – you wedge it on side of the door to prevent it from slamming on your baby’s little fingers. The problem is that when you don’t need it, you pull it off and put it somewhere you’ll forget. Then when you need it again, you’ll be hunting around the house looking for it.

3M’s rotating finger pinch guard is genius. You stick it on the door and it stays there all the time. When you need the pinch guard to work, you simply swivel it out and when you’re done, you just swivel it right back. Voila! No more hunting around for a pinch guard when you need it and more importantly, no more injured baby fingers when this little guy is playing peekaboo behind the door.


And how cute are the designs? I’m happy to have this on my door all the time.

swivel out

swivel out

swivel back

swivel back

Table corner and edge guard

Those pesky table corners are the worst, amirite? Truett and Kirsten were masters at avoiding the corners (very cautious babies) but Finn, my little adventurer, has banged his head into the table corner so many times it’s starting to get embarrassing. For me, mostly. It actually hurts me every time he does it but this boy does not seem to register that having his head come into contact with a sharp table corner with great force is a bad thing. I seriously considered making him wear a helmet at all times but he wouldn’t hear of it.

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That’s silly, momma, helmets are for outdoor adventures only!

With 3M’s soft corner edge guard, it cushions the blow when Finn walks right into the table edge yet again. Not ideal, but at least it reduces the damage drastically and I can have some peace of mind knowing that my baby is safe. Once in a while, the 2 bigger kids will accidentally jab their sides into the table edge while running around playing their crazy games at home so this helps to keep them safe as well.

Frivolous, but these come in a gorgeous rich, brown colour that complements my furniture. :)

corner guard

3M’s corner guards keep all my babies safe…and they’re pretty too

In addition to the thoughtful design, 3M child safety products come with reliable 3M adhesive, making them stronger and longer-lasting. You don’t have to worry about replacing the adhesive after a few weeks.

Most importantly, all 3M products are tested and internationally certified by SGS, an international inspection and certification company, which means that the range of products is non-toxic, BPA-free and free from 19 heavy metals. With 3M’s range of child safety products, you can give your little one the freedom to explore the world and discover wonder while having the peace of mind that they’re safe.

Make your’ child’s world safer with 3M.

*Stand a chance to win a grand prize of a photoshoot for your child worth $300 or one (out of 50) of 3M’s innovative Rotating Finger Pinch Guard! Head on over here to take part.

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  • Reply Diane Price September 22, 2020 at 8:59 pm

    Every parent worries about their children’s safety, even when the little ones are just at home. Investing in these safety products can definitely help in preventing a lot of household accidents.

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