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Androgynous is the New Macho

It’s bizarre. 7 out of 10 strangers will mistake Tru for a girl, and it used to really bug me. Ok, so he’s got bangs. And longer-than-average lashes. And pretty, big eyes. And a charming grin. But I assure you, HE’S A BOY. I can show you if you want.

In spite of my best efforts to dress him up in dudish duds, I still encounter blind cows who insist that he’s a chick. Look, the universal rules have not changed. Boys dress in blue and girls dress in pink. Just check the color, people, it’s not that hard.

Like I said, it used to really bug me.

That’s until I had a moment of truth. You know, when the glass shatters and you suddenly see a side that was really there all along, and you never see it in quite the same light again. The kind of OMG I WAS THE BLIND COW moment that changes your life forever.

Sometimes, all it takes is an innocuous object, like say, a  hairband or a little pink hairclip to change everything. Take a gander.

So I say, revel in it my boy, androgynous is the new macho.