Browsing Tag

fraternal twins

kids inc

Attack of the clones

I feel like a factory and my kids are like little clones coming out in exactly the same mould.  Some folks have kids that take after one parent each and look as similar as carrots and peas (meaning not similar at all).

But my kids, they’re  practically clones. If they were the same age they would look like identical twins.


Truett then


Kirsten now


Truett then


Kirsten now


Truett then


Kirsten now

ABy the way, this weekend is going to be an awesome weekend of firsts! We’re kicking off August with a guest post from Superdad *clap *clap* on Saturday (that’s tomorrow!) so do check back for that.

The best part of the weekend for you readers however would be the premiere of our Super Sunday Giveaway! We’ll be giving out something which I think you would like regardless of whether you’re a mommy or not.

Till tomorrow, have a great weekend!