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Mama needs my iPhone


So have you heard? The latest iPhone 3G(S) is out in Singapore. Well, almost out, and I’m practically drooling. I love Steve Jobs so much I’d give him a nice juicy peck on the cheek if I ever meet the guy. Don’t worry, the husband will give him a giant slobbery kiss on the other side just to even things out a bit. It’s hailed as the fastest, most powerful iPhone ever, and I’m SOLD. It’s a world of ingenuity packed into a tiny little shiny package. Come to mama!

Now, you might be wondering, what does a stay home mom need an iPhone for anyway? The only people that ever call me can be counted with 3 fingers. But that’s where you’re wrong. Stay home moms need the iPhone way more than say, CEOs and fancypants executives in their Armani suits.

1. Video Recording

Nobody takes more pictures than mothers. Every moment is a milestone and I need to be able to whip out my video camera in an instant the moment Tru takes his first step or his first pee in the potty. Without an iPhone, I’d be scrambling for a large-ass video cam and by the time it’s ready, the moment would be gone. But now, all I need to do is point and click. Voila. I can even zoom in for a close-up of his pee-pee/ba-dang-dangs/ding-dongs (you know what I’m referring to) to complete my collection of embarrassing nude shots of Tru.

2. Awesome 3 megapixel camera.

Never mind that some phones from inferior brands come with a 10 megapixel camera with auto-face detection and optical zoom. The new iPhone 3G(S) has an entire megapixel up from the previous version (it’s a 50% improvement!). Hah, take that, suckers. I’m so glad I didn’t get the previous version. Now I can have crystal clear images while you outdated folks have fuzzy images that looks like part of the footage of Blair Witch Project.

3. GPS System

If I got a dollar for every time I got lost and had to pull over at the side of the road to struggle with the road directory, all the while having to contend with a restless kid, I’d be a millionaire by now. Well actually, I’d have $22, 852, but that’s practically like a million in imaginary terms. I’m cool getting lost when I’m out alone, but with 2 kids strapped behind, I need to get from point to point in the shortest time possible.  So it’s down to having to drive at 200 km/h or get a trusty GPS. Yeah, I thought so.

4. Twitter on the go

With Tru like some sort of a mini celebrity, I’ve got to Twitter updates (see how hip i am to be using Twitter as a verb) of his daily goings-on to die-hard fans. With my lousy no-good O2 atom, every time I have to send out an sms, it’s such a pain I end up ignoring most of my messages and having folks think I’m totally unfriendly. Which I’m not. Wait till I get my hands on the iPhone, I’ll out-twitter Ashton Kutcher.

5. Voice Control

I need voice control way more than the average person. With Tru strapped to my back and Kirsten to my front, as well as a huge diaper bag, a blanket and a soft toy, I will not have enough hands to patiently poke numbers into my mobile phone. The only thing left is my mouth, and unless I can somehow master the art of poking in numbers with my tongue, voice activation sure comes in handy.

I have been fantasizing about the new iPhone ever since it got announced. Next to it, all other phones pale in comparison. In fact, it was so repulsive to me that I actually chucked the husband’s phone down the rubbish chute and he had to dig it out from the dump which was infested with creepy crawlies but to no avail and he almost got blinded by a killer roach. True story.

Just to make up for it, I might sacrifice my iPhone to atone for my mistake. Or maybe not.