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baby sleep through the night

stuff best described as not safe for parents

Sleep training update: Momma wins this round

Did I already mention that my life has been in a state of affliction ever since Tru started sleeping on his new bed? He’s been getting up several times every night crying and one of us has to go in and sit beside him till he falls asleep, which can take up to a whole hour. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. IN THE DARK. Sometimes, I would fall off my chair and cause a ruckus, which was actually counterproductive. That’s not to mention the 30 minutes I spend trying to get him to sleep in the first place.

I’ve got to make sure he’s truly asleep before I tiptoe out because I tried sneaking out too soon and ended up being busted by the sleep-deprivation mafia. It was like a flashback to my sneaking back home past curfew days as a teenager. Thanks to all that training, I can enter and exit rooms without so much as a squeak. But my son, he can detect your presence by the oxygen balance in the room. Either that or he’s psychic.

I also tried shifting my chair nearer and nearer to the door but he doesn’t care where I am as long as I’m inside the room. When I shifted my chair outside the door (leaving a small crack so he can still see me), he goes ballistic and climbs off to come stand beside me.

In the past week, I must have carried him back to his bed at least 1000 times. I lost count after a thousand. But the good thing is that now I have arms of steel. Silver lining.

As the week wore on, it was becoming apparent that our methods were not working so we decided to show hand, as it were. We put him in his bed, kissed him goodnight and left the room. The first night, it was like we unleashed a very angry bobcat in the room. Every 10 minutes, we would go in to calm him down and tuck him in again. 40 minutes in, he finally stopped and fell asleep on his bed. That’s when we did our victory lap. If he had ended up slumped over the floor, we would have been so guilty that we’d spend the next year sitting beside his bed every night. I would end up snappish and foul-tempered and eventually become the crazy woman with a hundred cats.

Instead, we now sleep through the night again because ever since then, he hasn’t woken up once. Also, the shrieking has gotten shorter and shorter. Last night, it took him 3 minutes before he fell asleep. And it was more of a whine rather than a shriek so that’s a good sign.

Update: I put him down tonight and NO CRYING. He didn’t even attempt to get off his bed. He just looked at me with resignation, flipped over and slept. That, my friends, is an out of the park and into the stratosphere kind of home run. VICTORY.


Somebody tell me again why I’m breastfeeding

The good news is that Kirsten has started sleeping through the night. Since she turned 6 weeks, she’s been sleeping from 12 midnight to 6 in the morning, which gives me six whole hours of uninterrupted sleep. Now at 9 weeks, she’s been stretching that to 10 hours every night.

Naturally, I’ve been taking advantage of this new development to catch as much sleep as I can, except that my breasts seem hell bent on destroying me. I figured that if I ignored them, they would stop bothering me and eventually adjust to the new feeding hours so for a few nights, I express my last round of milk at 1o and crawl into bed by 11.30. This would last till 7 in the morning when Kirsten starts stirring. Initially, I started leaking milk all over my top, which I was prepared to handle in exchange for more sleep, but a after 2-3 days of leaking, they decided to develop blocked ducts instead and believe me, it is a pain in the ass breast.

I know it sounds like a very mild condition, like a blocked nose or something, but no, it is nothing like it at all. You can’t just blow it out and go along your merry way. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s worse than hemorrhoids combined with herpes at the same time. The pain is pretty much indescribable, like someone stuffed rocks into my breast and started beating it. Repeatedly.

A few nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with a sharp pain in my left breast. I waited for it to pass, but it got so unbearable that I had to get up to check it. I tried expressing, but putting the pump to it was sheer torture. The entire breast had become rock hard, inflamed and filled with tiny lumps. Worst thing is, nothing came out. I’ve been averaging 120ml per session, but after 45 minutes, I was still at 20ml. The next morning, I came down with a flu and a fever. A quick check on google and apparently, these are all symptoms of blocked ducts. And check this out, if left untreated, it could develop into mastitis, which is NOT GOOD. You don’t want to mess with a name like mastitis.

Despite the pain, I’ve been back to a 3-hour expressing schedule, even through the night. And I have to battle a flu at the same time. Just like that, there goes my dreams of sleeping through the night. Now I can only look on with envy as my 9-week-old sleeps like a baby for 10 straight hours, while I’m banished to breast purgatory.

I never thought breastfeeding would be this hard. After going through all that initial teething problems, I though I had paid my dues but it just keeps getting worse. I only hope all that “Breast is best” propaganda is true, then at least it would all be worth it. If not, I’m seriously going to set fire to the person who came up with it.