kids inc

Unveiling the new nursery

As part of Tru’s 18th month birthday celebration, we decided to give his nursery a facelift. It’s been keeping me busy the whole of last week. Kirsten was outgrowing the co-sleeper and it was nice time for Tru to transition to a toddler bed, so we gave his crib to baby girl and got 2 toddler beds for the kid’s nursery.

Why 2? It’ll eventually be used for Kirsten and in the meantime, it will serve as a spare bed for when Tru’s friends come for a sleepover. Or he can alternate beds every night like the Sultan of Brunei. We also threw in a slide to complete the look and Tru thinks his room is like playground heaven.

Tru's favorite bed for now

Tru's favorite bed for now

I think the eyes are too creepy for him

I think the eyes are too creepy for him

Tru can go up and down 50 times a day

Tru can go up and down 50 times a day

Since he was getting bored with some of his toys, we retired some of them and brought out some new ones. Then every couple of weeks, we swap them again. This way, they think that they’ve got tons of new toys all the time.

We’re still working on the nursery. We’re thinking of adding wall stickers and some new curtains. I found this website with lovely fabrics which will be perfect for making curtains. I’ve shortlisted 2 but that’s where I got stuck. Here’s where I need your help. Anyone with an eye for design, some advice would be great. So what do you say? Option A or B?


Option A

Option B

Option B

kids inc

18 months

To my handsome little man,

Happy 18th month! How did you grow up so fast? I miss the tiny little baby that you were, when you would lie on my chest to sleep for two hours without squirming and all you could do was look up at me with those little baby eyes. What happened to the baby eyes? Now you look at me with a glint of mischief before thinking of new ways to destroy my possessions as well as my sanity.

I'm working on the abs

I'm working on the abs

In the past six months, you’ve started walking, forming words and climbing on every ledge you can find. I love that you are trying to express yourself using actual words instead of a secret code of various high-pitched shrieks. You know key words like noeat, blanket, poop, hug, sleep, and even difficult ones like youtube, please, are you sure, are you for real, awesome.

Before you were born, we dreamed of having a ruddy, mischievous kid to turn the house upside down and you were exactly what we pictured. Smart, cheeky, funny, affectionate, generous and kind. You play with toys differently from other kids because you get bored so fast and next thing I know, you’re stacking lego blocks on your head or building a fortress using your stuffed toys. You learn stuff real fast just by watching us do it once. Every time you do something naughty, you’ll go “hey, no no” like momma does it, then proceed to do it anyway, and with much gusto.

Although what really surprised us was how sweet and generous you are. You love going around giving out hugs, even to the kid that shoved you away and snatched your toy. You hug and kiss your little sister all day and you even let her hold your precious blanket, even if your idea of sharing means she gets to hold it for 5 seconds max.

Best of all, you’re tremendous fun to be with. You’re always giggling and thinking of ways to make us laugh. Even when you have no idea what we’re laughing at, you still guffaw away like you’re in on the joke. That is hilarious.

You know how sometimes you get a present and it’s ok, not spectacular, but sometimes you get a gift and it’s out of this world, blow your mind to bits kind of awesome. It’s like that for us. The second one I mean. Twice. We feel like of all the kids in the world, we got the 2 best kids ever. We couldn’t be more proud of you. When you grow up and if you ever feel like you’re not good enough, know that there’s nothing you could do to make us love you more than we already do. And we’re ALWAYS, ALWAYS proud of you.


Mommy (and by extension, daddy as well)

ps. Don’t grow up too soon ok. One day you’re going to be too big to sit on my lap and snuggle and that will be an awfully sad day for me.

Funny or So I think, side effects of motherhood

In all likelihood I’m going to be bald in 6 months

Under normal circumstances, this would be hilarious, but now that it’s happening to me, it’s not. Not even a little. At the rate I’m losing hair, I will be completely bald in 3-6 months tops. I think it’s retribution because I used to laugh at bald people. I had a university lecturer who had a particularly shiny pate which looked like it was oiled to perfection (insert bald joke here). I thought it would never happen to me because I have thick, voluminous hair that when left to its own devices, looks something like this.

I don't even need products to look this good

I don't even need products to look this good

In order to even have friends, I need to straighten my hair every year. I figured that in the list of calamities that could befall me (like being eaten by wolves or falling into a manhole) being bald is way, way down. Turns out, life has a funny way of making a point. Which is to NEVER LAUGH AT BALD PEOPLE. Right, I get it. Please don’t let me go bald. I promise to never make fun of another bald person again. Out loud at least.

According to google, sudden and excessive hair loss post pregnancy is normal. Thing is, words like sudden and excessive renders things abnormal (especially hair). Apparently, pregnant women hoard hair like a barber’s shop and after the baby comes out, they all start to fall out. Also, the stress of taking care of a baby exacerbates the condition. Plus, obviously I cannot let my hair fall all over my face like a crazy person all day, not when I’m running after two babies, so I pull them back tight at the beginning of each day.

Hormones, stress and scrunchies – the trifecta of baldness. It’s like I’m trying to make all my hair fall out.

I noticed the hair loss a couple of weeks ago. Every time I washed my hair, clumps of hair would fall out. I’m used to seeing several strands of hair fall out when I wash or brush but entire handfuls, that’s just crazy. I now have to vacuum my house everyday because there is hair EVERYWHERE. Even when I’m calmly surfing the net, I’m losing hair by the minute. I get up after an hour and the floor beside me is covered in hair. And I’m not even exaggerating.

Now would probably be a good time to go for a new look. Go a little wild and chop off the locks. Except that me and short hair, we do not have a good relationship. I had short hair all the way till I was 19 and it’s likely to be the reason I had so little friends before that. There’s a direct correlation between the length of my hair and the number of friends I’ve got. True story.

Also, if I come home with short hair one day, I will never hear the end of it from the husband. I will wake up to hair jokes and there will be more hair jokes plastered all over the wall and when I go to bed, that’s right, more hair jokes. I will eventually have to go out and buy a wig.

I need some help here. Google is not really helping because it says there’s no solution except to wait it out for the next 8 months. The hair loss usually stops after a year, but I may not have that long. So what I really want to know is this. Should I even try to treat it or save the trouble and just go get myself a hot, blonde wig?