motherhood, side effects of motherhood, stuff best described as not safe for parents

Yes darling, you’re the apple of my eye too

Here’s a thought. Are parents allowed to have favorites? The politically correct answer is probably no because every kid is special and favoritism is BAD. But really, do parents have a secret preference that nobody else knows about?

I used to look at parents with multiple kids and one of them is often way cuter, funnier and smarter than the rest. He knows exactly how to make your heart melt into a gooey mush and then twirls it around his little fingers. When he grows up, he’s the classic overachiever – valedictorian, captain of the swim team, and the most popular kid everywhere he goes.

Then there’s the other kid. All whiny and screamy as a kid, then angsty and sullen later on and you’re like “OMG can this get any worse?” I mean, it’s normal to have more positive feelings towards someone who doesn’t scream at you all the time or makes you so crazy you want to eat your own spleen.

So, politically correctness aside, can parents have favorites?

After all, kids have their favorites. “I love daddy more because he lets me play computer games all day.” Or “I like mommy, she makes the best snacks.” We don’t expect kids to be unbiased and objective because it’s human nature to have preferences. When it comes to parents though, we are expected to love them EXACTLY the same. Is that even possible?

With two kids of my own, I constantly remind myself to be fair, even though I’m not sure what that really means. I try to divide my time equally between both kids and give them enough quality time with momma. I measure out equal scoops of ice-cream and give them equal portions of my affection, just to make sure neither one feels left out.

I try to love them with the same amount of love but I’ve come to realize that they’re as different as carrots and peas. Along the way, I find myself loving them differently. Not in quantity but in method. Tru is like an all-action boy. His hugs are intense but short. He grabs my face and kisses me but JUST ONCE IS ENOUGH, MOMMA. Truth be told, I really enjoy doing crazy stuff with him. Truett-time is like hanging out with the badass kid in class who makes everyone laugh all the time. And you know how much I like the badass kid. I married one.

Baby girl is the complete opposite. She’s the sweet girly girl who has tea parties with dolls. She loves snuggling and gazing into my eyes and leaning her head on my chest. Her hugs are generous and they often turn into long kissy sessions. Being with her takes less effort. I don’t have to worry that she’ll stab her eye with a fork “to see if jelly comes out“. She’s low maintenance and the epitome of chill, which I also really love.

Maybe when they’re a little older, and I have 5 kids to choose from, I may find myself closer to one of the kids. If I ever end up with that pickle, we’ve agreed that the kids must never know about it. We’ll have to be more careful in treating them just the same, even the angsty, sullen one. That being said, I really hope I don’t get an angsty one that drives me crazy. I’d like to keep my spleen, thankyouverymuch.

picture perfect, short stories

The rickety old bus

There once was a rickety old bus that nobody wanted anymore. Its paint was chipping. The seats that used to smell of fresh leather were now torn and tattered. The windows were long gone. The doors struggled each time it tried to open and shut.  It wheezed and sighed and creaked.

When the new buses came along, nobody cared much for this little old bus and it was soon forgotten.

Everyday, the conductor stood at the door as the rickety old bus rolled around town looking for passengers but none came.

It’s time to hit the scraps, you’re too old and slow.” some called out. “Nobody wants to sit on a creaky old bus like you,” shouted another.

The conductor didn’t listen. “You’re special and one day, someone will see that,” he told the bus. So off they went on their merry way, happy to feel the gentle breeze that blew through the open windows. “We’re not too old to have new adventures,” they said.

One day, a little boy saw the rickety old bus as it pulled up beside him. He stopped and looked at it. He saw the chipped paint and the empty windows but it was the passenger right at the back that caught his eye.

The boy thought for a moment, then he got up, walked all the way to the back and sat down with a smile. “The bus sure looks like it could use a facelift,” he thought, “but the girl at the back, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

Sitting there at the back, the boy was happier than he had ever been before. “I’m never getting off this bus,” he said to himself. He stole glances at the girl next to him, not sure if she could hear the thump of his heart, or if she was just playing it cool.

She’s totally playing it cool,” he convinced himself.

All day, the bus drove around town and passengers came up and left. But neither the boy or his girl moved an inch. It was the bestest day of their lives.

When they were done driving, the conductor told them stories about all the adventures the rickety old bus had been on years and years ago, when it was not so old or rickety.

I’m glad you didn’t stop being a bus,” the boy said. “Because to me, you’re the most awesome bus in the whole wide world.

And the bus just smiled.

kids inc, picture perfect

It was a rather Hort Day

Tru is on a two-week break from school and that means only one thing for me. SMACKDOWN. Momma, the reigning champ, taking on a tag-team of 2 new contenders at the same time.

I’m still not crazy enough to bring both kids out alone so we’re all under house arrest. Which translates into two very hyperactive kids confined in a very small area for extended periods. Two kids, I might add, who are addicted to going out. It doesn’t matter where, as long as it’s outside.

So my day goes something like this.

1. Skull-crushing boredom (for all of us)

2. Oh, let’s fight over toys, fighting is fun and exciting

3. How about some screaming to spice things up a little

4. I’m not going to take my nap because I’m not tired

5. Yay, time to play the lying down game where momma lies down on the floor playing dead while the kids tear the house apart.

It’s a good thing the husband managed to take two weeks off to join in the fun so that I don’t lose my mind completely after 3 days. We planned out an itinerary of fun activities for whole week, starting with Hortpark this morning. This is all part of our elaborate plan to tire them out until they collapse to the ground and beg for mercy.

First sign of exhaustion: water break, plus a dazed look in the eye.

In phase two, we make them carry weights. You can’t see it but the bag is filled with large rocks.

Ah, progress.

This, well, nude photos are always a hit.

Objective achieved. Both babies went back and slept like erm, babies.

Tomorrow, we’ll be going to East Coast or the museum, depending on whether it rains.