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out of the box

out of the box

She smiled at me and my heart turned to mush

Last night was one of the roughest in a while. After consistently sleeping 4-5 hour stretches, she decided to wake up thrice to feed, twice to burp, once to puke and half a dozen times just for kicks. Throw in the milk expressing and I was practically up the whole night.

When she started to cry again at 6am, I could feel myself getting edgy and snappish. “What in blazers is the matter with you? Do you hate me that much? Do you? Do you? Huh?” I conveyed all that in a grunt and a sigh, which woke the husband (who decided to intervene and burp her while I dragged my ass out of bed to express milk again. Damn, it’s going to be a LOOOOONG day.

So I braced myself,  drank my first cup of coffee in 10 months, took a deep breath and counted to 1,582, all the while mumbling “she’s just a baby, she’s just a baby, she’s just a baby… but I think she hates me”.

When I managed to pull it together sufficiently, I went back to pick her up and begged her for mercy held her for a while. Then for the first time, she looked at me, gave the cutest little gurgle and smiled. And I knew it wasn’t just gas. My baby girl smiled at me and my heart turned to mush. The events of last night seemed to vanish with that one tiny grin.

I think she doesn’t hate me after all.

out of the box

Minor technical difficulties

It seems that Mother, Inc is having some technical difficulties with the category buttons (on the right bar). Please be patient as we scramble to sort out the issue. I’ll be whipping the slave (who has since been demoted back to being a regular slave) to make sure he gets it done in the shortest possible time. While we’re at it, feel free to browse the rest of the site. All the posts are still up and running, so bear with us. The teething problems will be resolved in no time!

out of the box

Word of the day: Peckish

One of our banal conversations.

Husband: Babe, what do you feel like having for dinner?

Me: I dunno. Anything is fine, I guess.

Husband: Are you starving or not really hungry?

Me: What’s the word to describe when you’re not hungry but just want to munch on something small?

Husband: Moderately hungry? I don’t think there’s a word for that.

Me: Peckish. You know, like a chicken. It’s a nice word, peckish.

Husband: Yeah, sure.