
St Kilda: Checking out the ‘burbs

When we stayed in St Kilda, we took the time to explore the neighborhood a little. It’s an inner city suburb, about 15 minutes out from the city and located right next to the bay. Sort of like our Marine Parade, with the beach on one side and a whole street of cafes and bars on the other.

I hear it’s got a thriving red light district but we didn’t see anything during our walks around town in the evenings, which was good, I guess. We did get yelled at by a bunch of white boys as they drove past us but then again, they could have been yelling at the cat nearby so I didn’t like chuck a rock at them or anything.

Besides that, everyone else seemed really nice and I liked that the streets were buzzing with energy.

We checked out the Makers Market on Saturday morning to do a spot of shopping. Unlike flea markets where you can sell all sorts of junk, everything sold at the Makers Market has to be well, made by the sellers. So there was stuff like hand-sewn dresses, paintings, crafts, jewelry and even soap.

In many of the stalls, the owners were sitting there making new stuff so I spent some time watching a really sweet lady sew a dress on the spot. She’s done it so many years that it takes her 20 minutes to complete one dress from start to finish.

I wanted to get one for Kirsten but the one I wanted was $70AUD, so I figured I’d try to make one myself. Seemed easy enough when she was doing it, so says me who got an F for my Home Econs. An actual F. All because the dress I made looked more like a moo moo. I tried negotiating my way into an E by telling my teacher that fashion was subjective and I’d wear it for a whole day if she gave didn’t fail me. She obviously couldn’t see my genius.

Anyway, back to St Kilda. I’m wrapping it up with pictures of the kids admiring flowers. They usually only see the tiny yellow ones in Singapore so when they saw all the different varieties of flora in Melbourne, they went a little mental like “SEE, PINK FLOWER! YELLOW! WHITE! PURPLE! SO MANY FLOWERS!!!”

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  • Reply qiu xian September 23, 2011 at 11:39 am

    Is that your mom? She looks really pretty! And young!

    • Reply Daphne September 23, 2011 at 11:51 am

      Yeap thats my mom.. haha i’ll be sure to tell her! :)

  • Reply Susan September 25, 2011 at 12:57 am

    I’ve been to Melbourne twice and one of the places I miss the most is St Kilda’s beach. Loved the flea market, loved the breeze running through your hair, love the amusement park there. Cant wait to go back there for a holiday again.
    Susan´s last post ..Dealing with a bully

    • Reply Daphne September 25, 2011 at 2:23 pm

      Oh, how’s Luna Park? We didn’t manage to check out the amusement park but the beach was really breathtaking. Really liked the St Kilda vibe.

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