precious moments, travel

I got your back

Part of the reason why we love traveling with the kids is that we get to see the very best of their interactions. Instead of the usual bickering at home, they’re often extra sweet to each other when we’re on the road. It’s like they instinctively know that they’re supposed to have each other’s backs and they do it so spontaneously that it makes my heart go all mushy.

So this one night at Maldives, there was a torrential thunderstorm going on and we thought we’d brave the rain to head out for a quick dinner. I didn’t think to pack any jackets for the kids and all I had was a thin cotton cardigan that I draped over Kirsten’s shoulders. While we were waiting for the buggy to arrive, she saw Tru shivering in the cold and she immediately walked over to wrap him up with what was left of her little cardigan.

“Quick, snuggle in here with me, kor kor, I’ll keep you warm,” she told her brother while giving him a great big monster hug.

let me keep you warm


On the seaplane back to Male, they decided they’d rather sit together so they could have each other for company. Apparently it was more fun than being stuck with one parent each. Halfway through the 45-minute ride, Kirsten had a bit of tummy ache and she was starting to feel mildly crabby.

“Ok, you just put your head on my lap and try to sleep, you’ll feel much better,” Truett instructed her. And then he spent the next 20 minutes patting her head until we arrived.

i'm tired

Sometimes, these two make me feel like the most awesome mom in the world. But the truth is it’s all them. I honestly couldn’t ask for sweeter kids.

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  • Reply Adeline May 14, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    These two are the sweetest! How wonderful to have such loving siblings, instead of constantly having to play peacekeeper to squabbling ones. You’re very blessed indeed!
    Adeline´s last post ..Our Singapore ‘Holiday’

    • Reply Daphne May 15, 2014 at 1:19 am

      We have to play peacekeeper all the time too, it can get really brutal! But I have to say that these rare moments totally make up for it. :)

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