
Catching up

Heyyyyyy you! Has it been 10 days since my last post? I feel like I’ve fallen off the grid. And by grid, I mean the internet. In a good way though. It’s like an internet detox. 10 whole days without facebook or instagram or blog surfing. Not even youtube.

Just time off with my babies doing non-internet things such as this.

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But I’m all detoxed out and it’s nice to be back. 10 days is about my limit to being away from the internet. I feel a withdrawal coming on.

Ok, lots of happenings and stuff.

We kicked off the June holidays with the very same thing we did last June, with frosty wintery air and coffee-snob level caffeine infusion and a whole bunch of farm animals. In Melbourne. We’ve developed a nice little love affair with Melbourne. It’s got just the right amount of laid back cobblestone charm for this city girl and the right amount of outdoorsy activities for the kids.

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Perhaps outdoorsy isn’t the best word. Outdoorsy implies a little spot at the Botanic Gardens back home, but in Melbourne, it’s endless blue sky and beautiful green grass for as far as the eyes can see. It looks like something right out of a picture book. Throw in some sheep, horses, and a handful of friendly shetland bulls. Plus a minefield of poop. By the way, did you know that sheep make a lot of poop? There’s poop everywhere on that pretty green grass. At first, I was like, “Woah so much poop! Watch where you’re going, kids, don’t step on the poop. Right there! Phew, missed a pile…and another…” After 25 steps or so, I gave up. Fine! Go ahead, step on all the poop!

Finn was most happy to oblige. “Did you say I could stomp on poop, mom?” It was like christmas morning for this kid. All the poop he stomped on got lodged in his shoe and I had to spend the entire 2-hour drive back to the city being assaulted in the nose by the foul, putrid stench of sheep poop.

I’m telling you that there’s a price to pay for being all friendly with nature. Thank God for husbands who volunteer to scrape off bits of stuck poop with their bare hands.



But would you just look at that fluffy wuffy sheep? And that face of delight. It was such a treat for them to hang out with all the animals. I suppose all is forgiven. Poop away, cuddly sheep!

Also, horses. Having a horse eat an apple right out of your hand is one of life’s most underrated pleasures. There should be horses made available to eat apples from my hand when I get too overwhelmed with life.





We also met the cutest, sleepiest, snoriest pig. I’m guessing this little piggy did not go to the market. This little piggy stayed home, had roast beef, some jam and bread, a few biscuits, and a large bowl of clam chowder, then lay down for a delicious nap.


Aaaand now, it’s time for some monkey faces courtesy of Finn. He’s in a delightfully fun phase where he wants to have his picture taken all the time.

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I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this phase. Please don’t go away.

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  • Reply Mairae June 12, 2015 at 7:59 pm

    Heyyyy. It’s good to see your post today. I have been checking your blog almost every day to see if there was a new post! I do something similar to yours for my yearly holiday, only it’s in Perth/Margaret River. Australia is fantastic in June.

    • Reply Daphne June 12, 2015 at 8:50 pm

      Hey Mairae! That’s so sweet and stressful at the same time! :) It was nice to unplug for a bit but also nice to be back.

      I love the June weather in Australia, maybe we’ll do Perth for a change next year.

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