to Truett with love

Happy 6, Tru!

Dear Truett,


Happy birthday, you’re 6 today! I thought I’d write you a letter before you get too big for letters from your mom. Wait, scratch that, momma’s going to write you letters till you turn 18 25 45… for as long as I can write so I guess you should be prepared for that.

The past 6 years has been quite a ride.

Thanks for being the best first kid a mom could ask for. I was such a rookie when you were born and we’ve had to make most of our parenting mistakes with you. Sorry about that. You were our first experience with an infant, the terrible twos, the rough toddler tantrumy phases, the food battles, the meltdowns, the separation anxiety, the preschool jitters, the stress that a 6-year-old has to go through.

You’ll also very likely be our first kid to become a teenager, fall in love, have your heart broken, grow up, change the world. Along the way, you might start to suspect that mommy doesn’t have the faintest idea how to deal with all of that and you’d probably be right. Although I’ve had to go through some of those things myself and having come out the other side, I’m guessing the best thing I can do for you is be here for you when you need me to be. Which I will always be. Mommy’s always just a hug away.

If I haven’t told you enough, we are really proud of you. Watching you grow up has been such a privilege.

I love how you make being a big brother look so easy. All the times you’ve had to suck it up and give in to your baby sister and brother because they’re little, I know it’s not always fair. The way you rush to their rescue and watch out for them to make sure they’re safe (not attacked by ducks, not left in the elevator, not drowned). The way you pat them on the head and tell them that “kor kor loves you”.

I love how you’ve grown up to be a confident little boy. You used to hide behind benches to avoid interacting with people but these days, you hold your own in a conversation with practically anyone. That’s really cool.

I love how you’re not afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve all the time. You give out hugs and kisses and you say “I love you’s” loud and proud even though your friends giggle in the background.

Of all the things I’ve done right in my life, one of the right-est is having you.

Have a wonderful day, my son. Daddy and mommy loves you more than you’ll ever know.

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  • Reply Adeline June 2, 2014 at 2:06 pm

    I melted just reading this letter! What a wonderful korkor he is. Happy birthday, little gentleman!
    Adeline´s last post ..Food Wars Round 1

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