to Kirsten with love

Happy 5th, Kirsten!


Hey baby girl,

I’m just about getting used to the idea that you and me, we’re going to be the only girls around here.

Did you know that when mommy was pregnant with you, I was really sure you were a boy (I had it in my head that I’d have two boys first, followed by two girls – that went pffffttt really quick!). We even called you Travis for a couple of months until we found out that you were really a girl. That afternoon, I sat in the doctor’s office and I suddenly knew that one day, I’d be really glad you turned out to be a girl. I was right about that part.

I’d tell you that you’re special but you already know that.

I like that about you, the quiet self-assured confidence without being braggy or obnoxious. You’ve always been the strong, independent, cool-without-even-trying sort. I knew it the first day you went to preschool. You gave me a kiss, then took your little school bag and skipped into school at 18 months old like you’ve done it your whole life. You make friends so naturally and it’s such a joy to be around you.

You’re equally comfortable playing dress up in your frilly gowns and simulating a game of marvel super heroes with your big brother. That sweet, girly, dainty side and the fearless warrior princess side all mixed in together so perfectly in one awesome little package.

You’re a great little sister to Truett and a wonderful big sister to Finn. It’s clear that they both adore you in their own way. You’re like the glue that holds them together, keeping balance to the force. I have a feeling baby Theo is going to love you to bits, he’s a lucky little fella to have you as his big sister.

You’ve always been my easiest kid. You learnt to sleep on your own in the cot at 8 weeks old, practically skipped the entire terrible two phase, try your best to be a good kid and you want to do the right thing all the time. I know we don’t get to have as much alone girl time as I’d like to. Sometimes baby Finn wakes up and cries while we’re halfway into our snuggly reading time and you’d look disappointed but you’ll always tell me that baby Finn needs me more and that it’s ok, you can wait because you’re a big girl now.

Remember the time you asked me who I loved the most? “Um…DADDY!” I said, half in jest. You looked so heartbroken. “Why don’t you love all of us as much as daddy?” you asked.

I do. There are 5 people in this world that I love the most and you’re one of them. I love daddy differently but you kids are the beat of my heart. One day, when you have your own kids, you’ll figure out how much mommy loves you but till then, trust me when I say that I love you with everything that I’ve got.

Have a wonderful 5th birthday, my princess.


– Mom

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  • Reply Adeline July 11, 2014 at 3:02 pm

    Awww such a sweet post! Blessed birthday to K! She’s going to be an awesome big sister to baby Theo for sure. :)
    Adeline´s last post ..Things Noah Says / Does #3

    • Reply Daphne July 21, 2014 at 4:13 pm

      She’s really looking forward to it! :)

  • Reply Joanne July 11, 2014 at 3:23 pm

    Haha we share the same birthday! Blessed birthday, Kirsten! You truly are a very beautiful (inside and out), giving and kind hearted little princess. You’re such a blessing to every one around you. Have a gd one, sweetie pie.

    • Reply Daphne July 21, 2014 at 4:13 pm

      Aww that’s cool! Happy birthday to you too, hope you had a good one.

  • Reply jaime July 13, 2014 at 4:18 pm

    What a sweet little girl! Blessed Birthday Kirsten!

  • Reply Michelle July 22, 2014 at 7:39 am

    Had tears in my eyes while reading this. Great post!

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