
Baby genie in a mug

I just found out that baby mugging is a thing – so late to the party, I know! Babies + Mugs!! Oh internet, this is why I love you.

You know I had to do this, right?


Once upon a time, there was a genie. But instead of a magic lamp, he was stuck in a mug.

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3000 years in slumber and I wake up to this?? Urgh.

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Okay, you may have 3 wishes, you know the drill. Ready, go.

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Um, hang on, you wish for WHAT??

Other genies get normal wishes like a million dollars or a trip around the world, and I get this weirdo.

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I don’t know man, that’s a pretty crazy wish. I’ve heard of plenty of crazy wishes but this one, this is way deep into crazytown.

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Seriously?!! Look at my seriously face, just look at it.

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All these wishes are so exhausting. *I* wish you’d just go away and let me nap.

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No, really. It’s my nap time. I think I’m just gonna take a short nap first, let me sleep on it for a bit.

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GAH!! You’re still here bothering me. Hang on, I’m thinking, stop rushing me.

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You know what? Ok, fine. Abra-phjdfjeaf. Abra-cagaoefje. Abra…I can’t say it. Just…there, your wish is granted – I’ll let you bite my cheeks. But just once. Now go away and let me nap in peace.

Genie over and out.

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  • Reply Andrea December 3, 2014 at 8:51 pm


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