
Baby fives

Oh hey, how’s it going? Here’s a high 5 coming to you from baby Theo. This baby takes his high fives very seriously, it’s a legit baby five phase happening here.

Like did you say snack time? Yeahh high 5. If he sees a bird outside the window, high 5. He finds dirt on the floor, it requires a high 5. Even when he’s super upset, he’ll high 5 through his tears, which is the most dedicated kind of high five one can get.

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Except when sometimes, his calls for a high five goes unnoticed, and he’s like “um, guys…guys?? Anyone???”

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And then, full on sadness. Poor baby can’t even.

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Rightly so too, because one should never a leave a baby hangin’ like this, it’s just not done. So now we have a system wherein the other kids have started taking turns to be on high 5 patrol duty. How this works is that whenever baby Theo sticks up his hand, everybody scrambles to meet him up top. ;)


In other news, baby Theo is now a *confident unaided walker who’s walking *everywhere on his own.

By *confident, I actually mean resembling a drunk zombie baby who’s high on having one too many brains for breakfast. You know this because his head tilts a little too far to the side when he walks like it’s too heavy for his body and the rest of him is just desperately stumbling along after his head so he doesn’t fall over.

Like this.

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And by *everywhere, I mean that he takes like 15 steps in the direction that he wishes to explore, and then sits his bum down on the floor because he’s too tired and besides, walking is for people who have no other options, such as a human slave to carry him around.

This happens every time we go out.

Mom, let’s go on an adventure! I’m a big boy and I’ll walk all on my own, c’mon let’s go!

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Hang on, I’m just gonna take a little break here.

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Mmmkay, it’s getting kind of hot and I’m not sure I can go on.

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Also, my leg hurts right here, I think it’s badly injured. I’ll need to be carried now.

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  • Reply Elaine October 21, 2015 at 4:25 pm

    Your chubby baby is really super duper cute. I love the zombie description, how do you come up with these things?!
    Elaine´s last post ..Shhh… Mei Mei is sleeping

  • Reply Veronika October 23, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    Super cute, your little one – he can high five now everybody ha ha!

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