swimmingly well

I should probably have a cheesy song title about sunshine or something

I woke up yesterday morning to a bright sunshiney day and decided to drag my sister and the kids to Sentosa for a bit of good old Vitamin D. It’s been raining so much I actually dreamt that the weather forecast for Singapore had dipped to a low of 17 degrees and Twitter was going crazy with news that we were going to have actual winter next. But I woke up and it was hot again, so up went my dreams in flames.

But I’m not complaining because over in Siberia, I hear they’re dreaming of weather like ours just so they can go for a tan at the beach. If you’re in Siberia, good luck with that.

As usual, Kirsten was in her supercool alien outfit, this time with sunglasses to complete the look.

Apparently, being in water helps to clear her constipation because after not pooping for 2 days, she finally decided to do the number 2 right in her swimsuit. Good thing it was skintight so it was all contained around her thighs and ass. I only found out when I brought her to shower, where there was a lot of eww-ing and oh gross-ing that ensued.

On retrospect, that was probably why Tru was trying to help her shower during the water play session. He kept pouring water over her head and telling her to hold still, as Kirsten stood there obediently. He was all “mei mei needs to bathe” and I kept saying it’s ok, she would only bathe after we were done. Maybe the smell was so bad he had to do it himself.

The best part about having non-schooling kids is that we get to bring them to Sentosa on a school day and have the place all to ourselves. Even over at Resorts World, it was relatively quiet with just a handful of tourists, which almost made me want to pop into Universal again. I’m such a total theme park junkie. If I do end up getting the annual passes, I’d be there every week.

Now that I’m waiting for a place for them in playgroup, I’m actually even contemplating homeschooling them for the year because it’s been so much fun having them at home with me these past 2 weeks. I’m going to put together a curriculum that allows us to take our studying to the beach or the mall. More on that soon.

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  • Reply Bing January 18, 2011 at 4:04 pm

    That pink jumper is a killer outfit. If I have a daughter, I am so going to drown her in pink too. Haha!
    Bing´s last post ..Graffiti Photo Walk

    • Reply Daphne January 19, 2011 at 10:06 am

      I was never a big fan of pink myself as a kid but there’s something about baby girls and pink. It’s too cute to resist. When she’s a little bigger, I’ll make her wear a pink tutu and do ballet. SO CUTE!

  • Reply Life with a Mini January 18, 2011 at 7:09 pm

    I literally LOLed at Tru’s “mei mei needs to bathe”!!!!! we’ve been there, done that with the poo bum while at the beach. I don’t know if you have, but I’ve noticed that the bottoms are always tighter than the swim tops! Maybe that’s why!
    Life with a Mini´s last post ..Parenting is about eating my own words

    • Reply Daphne January 19, 2011 at 10:08 am

      Haha yes the tight bottom is true! If not it will trickle down their legs and they will leave a trail of poop everywhere they go. oh, gross gross!!

  • Reply alexis January 19, 2011 at 9:37 am

    adorable la! she looks like those pilots or something.

  • Reply Kam January 19, 2011 at 10:48 am

    That would be such a nice thing if you finally decided to homeschool them, even if it’s just a year or a few months. Hope to hear more on that soon!

  • Reply San January 19, 2011 at 2:41 pm

    Baby girls are such life-sized Barbie dolls! Uber cool swimsuit for an uber cool gal! :)
    San´s last post ..Preparing for the par-tay!

  • Reply JZ January 19, 2011 at 11:46 pm

    Haha! My boy has done the poop in pants while in pool thing too.

  • Reply Marsya January 24, 2011 at 4:04 pm

    Hi there!

    I’d like to know where u bought Kirsten’s super cool swimsuit?

  • Reply Marsya January 25, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    cool stuff! Will check it out.
    thanks for sharing, Daphne!

    p/s. I know u know this already, and so does everyone else but I’m going to say it anyway. Your kiddos are maaad cuute!!

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