i embarrass myself sometimes, lists you should paste on your fridge, stuff best described as not safe for parents

Booger Bites

Boogers. We’ve all eaten some. And by we I really mean me.

I was about 4 and I had discovered the simple satisfaction that is nose-picking. I didn’t care much for cleanliness in general but I was um, picky about nostril hygiene. The quality of my life at that point was easily determined by how booger-free my nose was. The problem was that all this gold-digging left me with a by-product that I had to dispose of.

I could smear it, wipe it, flick it, wash it away or roll it around while thinking of more efficient ways to discard it.

It wasn’t long before it occurred to me to eat it. It seemed like such a good idea at that time because it did after all come from my nose and the proximity to my mouth made it practically edible. It’s all connected inside anyway, isn’t it?

I have to admit that my first booger bite wasn’t great. It wasn’t terrible but just very meh. With all the other snack options available to me, eating booger was way down the list, occupying the spot below wholemeal bread but above celery sticks.

The response I elicited from my bite of booger, however, was far more interesting. Grown ups seemed to find it a vile and disgusting habit. Some told me that it would give me a tummy ache and others even told me that it would make worms grow in my stomach. To the 4-year-old me, it was equal parts fascinating and terrifying. While I wasn’t entirely keen on the idea of having worms grow in my stomach, the rebel in me was already plotting to make it a regular snack option just to call their bluff.

I’ve since stopped it (seriously, I have) but it took my several years before I realized that me eating booger just to disprove a theory was dumb on so many levels. Plus it wasn’t even that nice.

Several days ago, I spotted Truett picking his nose and putting it in his mouth so now I’m considering my options on how to deal with the situation.

1. Leave him to outgrow it. I’m fairly confident that the taste of booger pales in comparison to Ruffles chips and ice-cream. which means that if I offer him tastier options, this gets phased out quick and easy. But then again, he might find it delicious and never stop.

2. Scare him into change. I could go with “son, that’s a vile and disgusting habit. You will get worms in your stomach that will eat their way up to your mouth” but off the top of my head, I just came up with many viler and more disgusting habits that will require this approach. I should probably save this for the day he attempts to eat someone else’s booger.

3. Tell him my booger story so he doesn’t have to learn the hard way. But any story that begins with “mommy used to eat booger too...” doesn’t make me sound very credible.

4. Get some worms for a live demonstration. It’s likely that my kids inherited my rebellious streak so this will probably backfire.

5. Tell him to stop it because mommy says so. Hah. Right, if only this ever works.

Any ideas?

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  • Reply Ai Sakura December 9, 2011 at 10:49 am

    Ok… as far as my memory serves me right, I have never eaten booger, so can’t comment to say whether it tastes nicer than chips or ice-cream, but maybe you can show him some “scary” pictures of pple that have eaten booger and how they turned out with holes in their throats, black teeth etc.

    Like those pictures on cigarette packs ;p Oh course, I can’t gurantee he might not start having nightmares instead.. and that’s a whole other problem heh
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..For little girls: Cher Pom Pom Pink dress

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:33 am

      Hahaha then you’ll have to trust me on this – chips and ice-cream are way nicer.

  • Reply Momo December 9, 2011 at 11:28 am

    Yeah Bean has the same problem too. I’ve never eaten my own booger before. I don’t know why he loves eating it. ARGH

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:34 am

      Let’s hope they grow out it soon! Let me know if you find a way to discourage booger eating.

  • Reply Susan December 9, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    I’m also trying to figure that one out myself. In fact, we just had a bloody episode this morning when I left her to watch barney on the iPad only to find her nose dripping in blood!
    Susan´s last post ..Petite Park in Changi City Point Mall

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:35 am

      Oh man! Hope she’s better now!

  • Reply Claire December 9, 2011 at 2:16 pm

    Try eating his boogers with him. maybe he’ll decide that if mummy does it, it must be uncool.

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:37 am

      LOL nice one! But there’s no way I’m eating someone else’s booger, not even if it’s my son’s.

  • Reply Ruth December 9, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    Haha.. a funny piece! My son started digging his nose, so it might be a matter of time that he begins eating his boogers too? I’ve tried getting him to stop digging his nose but it only made him all the more persistent, as he enjoys seeing mama gets all frustrated. So I decided if he does start tasting his boogers, I’ll leave him to outgrow it… BUT will tell him just don’t do it in public? ;)
    Ruth´s last post ..Happy Call Pan – The Latest Rave in Singapore Homes

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:39 am

      Yeah I think they get a kick out of seeing us all flustered and grossed out. I don’t know about telling him not to do it in public though, he might think I’m encouraging him to do it when no one is watching.

  • Reply Cynthia December 9, 2011 at 4:59 pm

    My son recently new found hobby is nose digging. I figure this might be a potential problem for me too… sigh. Keep fingers cross that he won’t attempt to eat it…gosh…tough situation…

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:42 am

      Hopefully he will skip this phase entirely.

  • Reply Elaine December 9, 2011 at 8:53 pm

    You’re the only person I know who admits to ever having eaten one’s own booger so 100 points for bravery! I think what would work is if you could somehow get a friend of his to tell him its disgusting. Or some cousin he looks up to. Anything from an adult will just spur on the rebellious streak.

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:43 am

      Actually that’s a great idea. I’ll give that a shot

  • Reply NerdyMum December 9, 2011 at 10:30 pm

    genetics?? can’t be helped?

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:44 am

      wow that’s depressing.. I hope it’s not hereditary because Kirsten isn’t showing any signs of wanting to eat her boogers.

      • Reply NerdyMum December 13, 2011 at 12:47 am

        OMG!!!!! Are you forcing boogers on her??! :p

        Ok for Kirsten, it’s evolution! :D

  • Reply jen December 10, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    i once caught my son nose picking. he then looked at the sticky stuff on his finger and he looked so curious, and try to put it on his mouth. i shouted “hey johan!” then he quickly pull away his hands off his mouth and did a “i-didn’t-do-anything-look”. i loled :D

    • Reply Daphne December 11, 2011 at 2:47 am

      Haha good thing you caught it in time… and smart boy too!

  • Reply Audrey December 12, 2011 at 2:31 am

    We suggest a family collection of booger for the one caught eating it. I mean, since they like it so much, why not eat more? Usually that stops the vile and disgusting habit, but not for long. They get the idea.

    Did you know that there’s a hypothesis from someone’s ‘casual observation’ that people who are smart tend to eat their own booger? This person, who’s a librarian, has been observing this trait for many years. :P totally gross.

  • Reply Yen December 12, 2011 at 7:05 am

    I did that in primary school and a classmate caught me doing the act. She had that reason to blackmail me for years, sigh not a good experience but that stopped the habit though. Lets hope our kids never get to that point.

  • Reply Leonny December 13, 2011 at 11:44 pm

    Hahaa… I did eat them too when I was little, just to find out what they tasted like …

    See you in KL on Friday!!

  • Reply Bun Bun Makeup Tips December 14, 2011 at 3:59 am

    Better get Tru to kick the habit fast before Kirsten finds it cool and imitates.
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