stuff best described as not safe for parents, Videos I dig

Bat Fight

The first time you watch this, you’ll think it’s probably some lame spoof of Batman fighting the Joker or Riddler or some other nefarious circus act. Then it starts and it sounds like it’s taken off the soundtrack of Kill Bill where Uma Thurman takes on Lucy Liu.  2 minutes in, you’ll be wondering if the video actually has a point.

Just wait for it, because it does and you’ll be all like WTH?!! No, no, no, no, no.

Right after that, you’ll watch it again and again and again and really listen to the lyrics and be blown away by the sheer ingenuity of it because it is that awesome. You will wake up in the morning and involuntarily go Hot dusty day, nothing’s going down…

Or you might probably hate it.

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