stuff best described as not safe for parents

A “Get out of Jail free” pass, three hours a day.

Going out is fun

It’s nice to be out on a Monday morning. Or any morning for that matter.

The whole of last year, I spent being at home. As far as the world was concerned, I fell through the cracks and off the map. It’s like I didn’t even exist. Except for a couple of hours during the weekends, I spent all of my days and nights at home in my PJs.

For a while it was nice not to bother about makeup and pretty clothes because there is no way I’m dressing up just to be at home running after two crazy kids. Comfort trumps all, I thought. But as I’ve come to realize, feeling that comfortable all the time is not good for morale. It’s nice to dab on some makeup and head out for some fresh air. It’s nice to meet people again, even if it’s just making small talk about how cute my baby is. It’s nice to have a real latte and a scone. Did I mention the fresh air? I really miss fresh air.

Anyway, baby girl has been enjoying the time out. She’s been surprisingly adaptable and unfussy. I was prepared for some adjustment on her part but she’s been eating well and taking hour-long naps outdoors, which gives me some time for breakfast and a nice book.

Although I got to say, being out is a hell of a lot more tiring. There’s still a thousand things to pack when I’m out with two babies, and also a lot of contingency planning and improvisation like when they projectile vomit or have such a massive pack of poop it spills out of their diaper and onto everywhere else or throw a colossal hissy fit for 15 minutes. When these things happen, I ask myself why I’m pathological enough to venture out of the home alone with two kids.

Then I think about the alternative, which is house arrest. I think I choose fresh air.

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  • Reply yen January 12, 2010 at 10:36 am

    I totally understand what you mean! but you’re good, I think I woud have gone a lil wonky from staying at home. Thank God for the nice feeding rooms in Australia, I used to “hang out there” flat screen TV, air con arm chairs and the works. Now that I am back in SG I have to re-adapt :)
    .-= yen´s last blog ..The 14 months old baby =-.

  • Reply leslie January 12, 2010 at 10:46 pm

    So true…sometimes i spend so much time PACKING for their outing alone and by the time i reach the mall, i have 1 hour to shop before the long train ride home again in time for their next nap. And then i fall onto the bed dog tired wondering why i wanna go out in the first place.
    and yes, i’ll choose fresh air + sanity for anything, anytime. (even if i have to bring baby along)

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