side effects of motherhood

Tuesdays are good for thinking

On some Tuesdays, I think a lot of thoughts. This is one of those Tuesdays.

On balancing it all.

I remember doing an essay in school once about my strengths and flaws. My younger, more pretentious self wrote something like “I’m very driven, which is both my greatest strength and weakness.” So obnoxious.

Over the years, life has taught me to dial back on the obnoxiousness but I realise that I still like to push myself just to see how much I can manage, like it’s some imaginary contest where nobody wins. Except me. I feel like I’m winning when I can do a lot. So I keep adding things to my plate. Squeeze a bit here, pack things in nice and tight to make more space, and over in that corner, I see a tiny spot to add in something new. One kid not enough, must have four. A few jobs, new projects, more, more things to my plate!!

Until things start falling apart and I start to accept that by overextending myself so much, the things that really matter get pushed back and neglected. I don’t think I’ll ever be happy not doing a lot, so I guess the solution is to pick the things on my plate a little better, and to know when to let things fall.

Dr Seuss puts it most succinctly,

So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act.

Breastfeeding is kind of awesome.

I could be politically correct about the wonders of breastfeeding for my baby or I could just come out and say it – one of the benefits of breastfeeding is that I drop weight faster than any diet/exercise regime can offer. One of the non-benefits is that with this in mind, I throw in a couple of extra cookies into my non-diet because “I need the extra calories to make all this milk”. Every night, while I enjoy my chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk, I ponder the awesomeness of being able to magically transfer my fats to my baby and it makes me smile. I’ve now grown rather fond of having cookies as a late night snack and I’m not looking forward to the day I have to stop breastfeeding/having cookies.

Small monkeys grow up to be big monkeys

Finn: Mommy!

Me: Yes, baby?

Finn: Nothing!! Hahahahahahahhahahhaahaha.

Me: Eh, monkey!! Aren’t you a bit young to be up to this monkey business? Is Finn Finn a good boy or a monkey?

Finn: A good…monkey.

Also, this is Finn learning how to wink at the ladies. This one will grow up to be a handful.


*In case you missed it, I’m having a special “12 Days of Christmas Giveaway” over on the Mother, Inc. Facebook page. We’re into day 3, with 9 more to go.

Go join if you haven’t already done so, lots of really great gifts in there that you don’t want to miss.

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