side effects of motherhood

Loading up on goofball giggles

Is it too late to be wishing you guys a happy lunar new year? I hope you had a good one, with much bak gwa and lo hei and lovely family time.

We got back just in time to catch the last of the family celebrations. My mom sent us this photo of baby Theo all dressed up and holding an ang pow while we were on our way back from NYC. So festive!


I’ve missed my babies an awful lot. The downside of rotational traveling is that you leave a part of your heart behind and no matter how much fun you’re having, it’s just not quite complete without all your babies there to share it. Kirsten spent her holiday looking for presents for Tru (“I think kor kor will like this…and this…and this”) and teared up several times because she missed her brother too much. She has since decided that she would rather choose her precious Truett over a holiday in the future.

One of these days, we’ll just go all in and bring 4 kids along with us. When we were at Disney, we saw several families with 4 kids in tow – granted, the parents always looked like their souls had been sucked out of them but still, one day I will do this and live to tell the tale.

Theo has gotten so chubby in the past 3 weeks, it now feels like I’m holding a pudgy little panda baby, it’s the cutest thing. We got back late on Saturday night and I immediately went in to pick him up, breaking my “no waking a sleeping baby” rule because I wasn’t waiting another minute to cuddle my baby. And then I almost dropped him because I wasn’t expecting him to be this heavy.

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He rubbed his sleepy little eyes and reached out to touch my face several times like he wasn’t sure if it was pretend mommy on the laptop or real mommy. When he was satisfied that this mommy was the real thing, he broke into the widest, silliest goofball grin.

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It’s taking me a tremendous amount of self control not to chomp on these superior quality baby rolls but I don’t expect I’ll be able to resist this for much longer. Chomping will begin momentarily.

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I’m sorting out all the photos from the trip and those updates will be up soon, that’ll be fun.

But first, baby giggles!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Lyn Lee February 24, 2015 at 1:40 pm

    SO cute that smile! Yup the thing about travelling without kids is that too much time is spent missing those at home.
    Lyn Lee´s last post ..Singapore Central Fire Station visit

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