side effects of motherhood

Aaaand we have a walker!!

So guess why this baby is, as we say, happy like bird?

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Baby Theo has finally discovered the freedom that is walking on his own two feet. Ok, not entirely. He still requires the use of walking aids, but he’s taken a few steps on his own and is feeling rather pleased with himself.

I think he feels like a rockstar having so many people cheer him on even though he doesn’t make it past 3 steps before falling hard on his chubby cushy bottom.

The important thing is to get up and try again. Which is easier when you have big brothers (and sister!) who take turns to walk with you.

Big brothers make the best walking aids :)

A video posted by Daphne (@daphneling) on

Baby steps, y’all!!

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